
How to Use Computer Gaming as Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease

The brain is a plastic organ continually reshaping itself in response to the stimuli it receives and the way those stimuli are processed. The old adage “use it or lose it” applies even in the face of a challenging disease like Parkinson’s. Computer gaming can help with brain training by…

Staying Active Versus Exercise

Whether you ask a group of people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) or your neurologist about the best thing you can do to keep PD at bay or slow down its symptoms, the most common response will likely be “exercise.” Some may say, “Stay active.” But do you…

Finding Hope for Today

Sometimes you can feel as if you’re at the end of your proverbial rope. You’re holding on as tight as you can, hoping the blisters on the palms of your hands won’t become totally unbearable and you let go. I was thinking about all that’s going on lately…

Moderating Impulsivity: Train the Brain to Stop the Train

Brain training happens all the time. The goal of Parkinson’s disease (PD) rehabilitation is to use training to limit the effects of the condition. When training the brain, it is important to be mindful of what it is doing while implementing a practice of mental attentiveness. This specific type of…

The ABCs of Parkinson’s: ‘K’ Is for Knowledge

A continuation of the “ABCs of Parkinson’s” series. When diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD), or any disease, it is always beneficial to educate yourself about it. Ask yourself: Do they know what caused it? What are the symptoms? How can I best care for myself? Is there…

How to Get Through the Cold of Winter

Winter has just about landed upon us, and it’s getting to be that time of year when we hang up garden tools, freeze-proof the outside water spigots, and pull out the heavy sweaters and rain boots. For many of us, it also means trying to get warm and…