• Lloyd

    October 5, 2021 at 3:08 pm

    Yes. I urinate more frequently during the day and overnight. I measured my overnight outputs and it’s consistently 40 oz. I don’t consume more than about 8 oz. of liquid after 6pm.

  • Robert

    October 5, 2021 at 4:04 pm

    Hi folks.

    It seems that this fluid part of my plumbing has a mind of its own now, like so many other things that rely upon dopamine to function normally.

    My full bladder and it’s exit spigot don’t like to talk to each other some days.

    So, I have these things called catheters when I absolutely need them.

    I no longer have the routine feelings and such in my bladder etc. that we all learned to rely on before PD so I do not have a predicable pattern.   At times I cannot start and stop at will if you know what mean.

    It is a nuisance because of the time it requires some days.

    I was diagnosed just short of 4 years ago.

    The doctors presumed I had normal old man prostate issues that were causing all of this.  I went through some very very interesting tests and procedures that included ultrasound devices placed in very interesting places and found that all of my problems are neurological and related to the Parkinson’s.  Just another box on the PD symptom list that I got to check.  I do not recommend it to you other PD people if you are thinking of checking that box.  Avoid it!

    But, I never really had much of a tremor and certainly never do now on the magic pills.  So there is that.


    Robert C


  • Debbie McDaniel

    October 6, 2021 at 10:16 am

    I have been have urinary problems for about 5 years,  way before I was diagnosed with a movement disorder.  As with all things I’m sure that the movement disorder has made it more difficult for me in regards to my frequent urination both day and night.  I am dealing with it by working with a urologists and have an interstem device from Medtronics implanted in my butt to help control my bladder.  I’m getting much better results with this device than just on my own.  I would recommend anyone having urinary problems see a urologist.  There may be additional support for your urinary problems.

  • Marie

    October 7, 2021 at 1:54 am

    My husbands certainly have. It is usually when he has first taken his meds and until they take effect, mind you he takes them five times a day,,  so sometimes in the middle of the night we meet coming and going into the bathroom .. and if he has a doctors appointment or if on the rare chance we go out, he delays taking them so he does not have to be running to the bathroom or in the middle of a procedure. But he has them with him so he can take them on the way home to start to get into his system..



  • Charles Schiller

    October 7, 2021 at 2:48 pm

    Oh yes. An overactive bladder is certainly a symptom of PD. For men is’s more complicated because an enlarged prostate contributes. My overactive bladder responds quite well to a medication given by my urologist. Problem is it wears off after about 12 hrs. I’ve an appointment to see the Doc next week. When I’m on a long drive, I wear a sort of diaper, made for men. It does work well.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    October 7, 2021 at 3:02 pm

    Yes, my husband has an overactive bladder. Twice now, he thought it may be prostate related but it’s not. Over the years, we learned to fly and travel with Depends since you never now when the urge will hit! He also just started to cut back or stopped drinking any liquid after 7pm to help from having to get up more than twice during the night.

  • Mark Rohr

    October 10, 2021 at 3:27 pm

    My bladder and I are definitely on different schedules, especially after midnight! I need to stop water intake after 7 pm. I am currently getting up 3-5 times every night and not sleeping well on top of that. I’m taking Melatonin nightly but still not sleeping well. Suggestions anyone? I absolutely need a full nights sleep!

    • Robert Li

      October 11, 2021 at 10:01 am

      Mark, melatonin can make you need to pee more… https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/melatonin-dos-donts   That’s not going to make me stop the melatonin!  You could try a different brand, since they’re not exactly the same.  I am currently using NOW brand, which I think is not made from a sheep’s pineal gland (it is vegetarian).

      These are the other things that I do for my sleep:

      • For serotonin production: turkey (for the tryptophan), omega-3 fish oil.  If I am low on omega-3 then I start supplementing, I usually have “too many dreams” for a couple nights.
      • Anti-oxidants: vitamin E, sweet potatoes, squash
      • For keeping biochemicals in balance: vitamin D (need blood testing to get to right levels, and keep it there for a few months)
      • Probiotics: To reduce gut issues especially constipation.  If you can poop before bedtime this is a good thing to do.
      • Also, I try to sleep earlier and get exercise during the day.
      • Reducing my exposure to air pollution.
      • Not eat too much meat at dinner time.

      Now I am getting 5-7 hours/night, which is quite good for me.  I don’t know which of these things really helped, but I don’t really care.  More importantly, I don’t feel very sleepy during the day any more.  I still usually pee a lot at night.

      • Gwendoline Jakins

        October 12, 2021 at 4:43 pm

        Hi Robert, what probiotics are you taking?


  • Beth T Browne

    October 12, 2021 at 2:19 pm

    I do go way more often.  My doctor said she could give me something to slow it down, but I chose not too, as I had a problem before I had PD where I was having trouble going.  I went for acupuncture at that doctor’s office, insurance paid, and I have not had that problem since.

    I had 2 ghost infections the first year of PD.  I read where another woman on FB had it and she started taking D-Mannose daily.  I asked my doctor about that supplement and she highly recommended it.  I have been taking it almost a year and no more ghost bladder infections or real ones.  It is great.

  • Rick Tabakin

    October 12, 2021 at 3:34 pm

    Most men develop urinary frequency issues as they age (say beyond 65 yrs old). My urologist contends this has to do with prostate enlargement. Is there data that indicates Parkinson’s makes this situation worse? What about the urinary frequency issue in women? That might be a lot clearer indication of Parkinson’s impact.

  • Fred Barnett

    October 14, 2021 at 11:53 am

    I wear a pad at night which allows me to sleep through the night without getting up. I try to limit my fluid intake after 7pm. I take melatonin every night, as well.

  • Robert Harris

    October 14, 2021 at 3:55 pm

    Before my Parkinson’s showed its more obvious symptoms, I experiencing a very gradual loss in water pressure when I whizzed. In the last six or 10 months, though, my Parkinson’s sympoms  have been increasing (festination, retropulsion, balance instability, voice sabotage [sudden  emotional overwhelming when trying to speak]) and more off time when I eat too much protein. My fire hose has been suffering from less and less water pressure, until now I have to lean over to counteract the backwards arc of the stream. Soon  we may be enteraining a dribble instead of a weak stream.

    At the same time, my night visits to the porcelanarium have increased from about 4 per night to maybe 5 or a little more. I limit my water to a sip or two after  each visit because my mouth gets thirsty. I have experienced nocturia for many, many years. At 18 my visits to the bathroom were limited to about  1 per night. Now at 71, trips to the bladder ladder are about  4  or 5 per night.


  • Gwendoline Jakins

    October 14, 2021 at 6:00 pm

    Hi Robert, before getting serious about your problem, I’d have to say your way with words has given us a good laugh or two.

    My husband has just been diagnosed with OAB (overactive bladder). He’s been put on a medication, Betmiga. It’s early days, but I reckon there’s been an improvement already. He was getting up a couple of times during the night. The last couple of nights he’s gone right through the night,fingers crossed ?.

    During the day, we’ve been setting the timer for every two hours, now taking it out to 2.5 hrs. If he’s sitting in a chair for a long period, he doesn’t feel the need to go, but he’s had huge leakage without knowing. He wears a pull up, but it hasn’t helped on occasion.

    Another treatment talked about by the urologist is Botox. It’s drawbacks are that it only works about 60% of the time and needs to be repeated regularly.

    I pass this on in case it’s of benefit to you or other members.


  • Charles Schiller

    October 14, 2021 at 9:34 pm
      <li style=”text-align: center;”>So I think make low water pressure and dribbling is primarily due to an enlarged prostate which is very common among men over 64. An over active bladders due to PD. I take a drug for that, Myrbetetiq. Very effective in stopping the feeling of urgency. But, more me, it wears off after 12 hrs or so. I’m see my Urologist tomorrow to see if I take it twice a day. As for sleep help I take Hydroxazine, sort of a very mild sleeping pill and no logy feeling in the morning. My biggest problem is not PD or it’s symptoms. I’m early stage 2 and almost 79. It’s crushing isolation as I’m a widower having lost my wife of almost 50 yrs 5 yrs ago.
  • Bill

    October 17, 2021 at 12:32 pm

    First symptoms, although I didn’t know it at the time, was the occasional incontinence during the day. Dang bladder would just cut loose and dump some urine. There was leakage through out the day. I was diagnosed about 4 years ago and my frequency increased to 20-25 day day, big problems with UTIs. The other issue that I didn’t recognize as part of PD was constipation.  So now a few years in, I’m dealing with urine retention, slow movement in my bowels and prostrate enlargement. This trifecta causes some issues which currently has me using a catheter 2 or 3 times a day, with a normal volume of 750-1000 ml each time time I catheterize myself. The most aggravating part of my current condition is Urologist who only see me as having an enlarged prostrate and being 77 years old, when I say it has to be seen through the filter of a 77 year old man with PD. The other thing that aggravates me is doctors who already know what the problem is with your UTI and don’t order a new urinalysis and culture after you have completed after you have completed their prescribed treatment. I know I can change doctors and have done so. Fortunately I have a great primary care doctor who says after it.

  • Robert Harris

    October 18, 2021 at 8:22 am
  • Alan M

    October 19, 2021 at 2:04 am

    I never heard of polyuria until I was diagnosed with PD six months ago. I urinate after every cup of joe I take during the day. And I wake at least twice a night to go wee. It’s quite inconvenient. Prior to BCD (BCD = before correct diagnosis)I was wondering if I had a bladder issue. But my GP assured me nothing was amiss with the plumbing.
    I almost forgot — a year or so before my diagnosis, I had to start wearing men’s comfort pads as I dribbled heaps after urinating.

  • Marlyne Wilder

    October 22, 2021 at 1:40 am

    I’ve had incontinence for many years, even after 2 bladder lift surgeries. My current bladder situation is that I don’t realize my bladder is full. Once I stand and move, I leak and hurry to the bathroom.  Once sitting, though, I have to concentrate on emptying my bladder; I lean forward, then upright, then side to side to fully empty.  Due to the volume of pills I take for Parkinson’s, high bp, high cholesterol, depression, etc., Im drinking 1-2 tall glasses of water every 4 hours. My dry mouth has me drinking even more water between pill times.  I have to stop drinking water after my 8 pm pills.

  • Marlyne Wilder

    October 22, 2021 at 1:41 am

    I’ve had incontinence for many years, even after 2 bladder lift surgeries. My current bladder situation is that I don’t realize my bladder is full. Once I stand and move, I leak and hurry to the bathroom.  Once sitting, though, I have to concentrate on emptying my bladder; I lean forward, then upright, then side to side to fully empty.  Due to the volume of pills I take for Parkinson’s, high bp, high cholesterol, depression, etc., Im drinking 1-2 tall glasses of water every 4 hours. My dry mouth has me drinking even more water between pill times.  I have to stop drinking water after my 8 pm pills.

  • Andy C

    December 13, 2021 at 8:31 am

    I have the pleasure of low pressure high frquenxy of roughly every 2 or so hours. Tried many medications but alas nothing really worked. Now i am on low fluid diet of total intake of fluids including from foods like fruit and veg of 1.5 liters and nothimg after my mouthful with evening meds at 8pm but still getting up every 2 hours at night and aboit every 4 hrs during. Thanks Mr Parkinson’s really appreciate all the wonderful changes you have forced on me.


    December 15, 2021 at 10:31 pm

    I don’t understand why doctors don’t tell their patients about the external catheter that my husband uses. It has changed both of our lives. I used to have to strip the bed down to the mattress every day, even with using diapers and pads. Medications for urinary urgency and frequency had no effect. He used to stay home because the urgency and frequency were such a problem. He used to get up 4 0r 5 times per night. The device is called Men’s Liberty and it has truly liberated both of us. A bag attaches to the penis and is not visible. He can urinate anywhere and any time. He attaches a night bag and never has to get up at night. He can attach a leg bag to hold more urine for events like going to the opera. It doesn’t leak or cause irritation like a condom catheter can. Our insurance pays most of the cost or all of the cost when his deductible has been met. We found out about it from a friend who knew he had a problem. She read an ad in the newspaper. When I asked his gerontologist about it, she said she didn’t think it would work for him because of his retracted penis and recommended another external catheter that didn’t work at all. We decided to try the Men’s Liberty anyway and it has worked beautifully since the beginning, even though he’s 86 years old. Some men easily put it on themselves. I put it on for my husband each day. There was a learning curve in the beginning, but now it takes me about 2 minutes. I realize it may not work for everyone, but it works so well for my husband, even though he is not circumcised.   The company is very easy to get in touch with and will stay on the phone with you as you learn to put it on. (I have not needed their support.) There is a nurse on call for questions.  Just google Men’s Liberty and you can learn all about it. I wish there were a device like this that would work for women!  Please feel free to ask me or my husband, Charles, any questions about it. Wishing the best for all of you.

    Suzanne Aloisio, Loving wife of a person with PD


  • Marlyne Wilder

    December 15, 2021 at 10:53 pm


    Thanks for the information.  I’m sure it will help someone!
    I also agree the women need something like that. I use Poise liners daily, carry extras wherever I go.

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