
A New Year’s Resolution: Quiet the Old Tapes

In my column about time management, I mentioned a nagging inner voice saying, “You did not get enough done today.” That phrase ties to an old “tape,” inner dialogue left by the voices of parents and childhood teachers that says, “You are never going to amount to anything. You are…

The Pac-Man Cometh: Parkinson’s Disease Gobbles Up Time

I used to be able to put long hours into just about anything I tackled: research, teaching, helping others, painting, writing, and gardening. But PD gobbles up time, just like the video game character Pac-Man gobbles up dots while chasing ghosts. Although I’m retired, I have less free time to…

My DaTscan Results Made My PD Diagnosis ‘Real’

When I was first diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD) in 2015, I asked the neurologist if there was a definitive test to confirm a PD diagnosis. I mentioned a DaTscan, but he said the test is not entirely conclusive. He also indicated that DaTscan results likely would not…

Taking a Careful Look at Apathy: It Could Be Motor Hesitation

Depression is often associated with Parkinson’s disease (PD), as is apathy. But there may be a subtle difference between the two. At the risk of oversimplifying, let’s define depression as a state of sadness and loss of interest, and apathy as an apparent lack of motivation. Put sadness and…

Tangled Up with Dementia in Parkinson’s Disease

A reader recently posed the following question: “Why are there never any comments on dementia in regards to Parkinson’s disease? It is very real, and 40 percent of Parkinson’s patients deal with it.” So, I began looking into it. My answer could have been, “Because I don’t want…

Enduring Through Parkinson’s Disease

Someone once said, “Life is hard.” Someone else said, “Life is hard, and then you die.” Another said, “Life is hard, but God is good.” That’s what I’m holding on to — the belief that although life is indeed hard, God is so very good.  You awake…

Foot Problems as an Early Sign of PD: Oh, What a Drag It Is!

Search on the internet for early signs of Parkinson’s disease. Surprisingly, you will not find foot drag on most of the lists. Yet, Ali Samil, in the chapter “Cardinal Features of Early Parkinson’s Disease,” in the book “Parkinson’s Disease: Diagnosis and Clinical Management,” lists foot drag as an…

Broken Crayons Are Not Useless

My son and his family were preparing to move. Was I willing to let them go? Yes. Did I want them to go? No. But that was my selfish desire. I have realized that the harder I try to hold on to what I want, the less I allow…