
Can You Hear Me Now?

Over the many years of living with a chronic illness, I have seen many healthcare providers. Some were good and others not so good. If I walked away from a meeting with a provider feeling like I hadn’t been heard and wanting to shout, “Can you hear me…

Empathy Is One Thing, but Apathy Is Quite Another

Two words are often confused with each other in the English language: empathy and apathy. Not only are their meanings different, but they are also quite at opposition with each other. Both terms, however, can relate to Parkinson’s disease. Empathy deals with being able to understand the thoughts…

Rock Steady Boxing Saved Me from the Great Lakes

I will never again underestimate the strength of a McDonald’s paper cup — or my Rock Steady Boxing class. The other day, I took my grandson to his favorite playground: McDonald’s. A friend was meeting us there with her grandson. By the time she arrived, the place was…

How Did Life Get Crazy Busy? I’m Overwhelmed!

I thought that when I retired, I would have more time, not less. How did life get so busy? There are not enough hours in the week to finish all the things I want to. If I push myself harder and longer, then I get fatigued and overwhelmed, but then…

Fighting Parkinson’s Disease with Rock Steady Boxing

My dad is a soft-spoken soul. He observes the madness of our lives while quietly rocking in his plushy black chair. His philosophy has always been passive: Worrying doesn’t help you navigate tribulation, and aggression is destructive. So when he told me he was going to join the Rock Steady…

Parkinson’s Isn’t Always Invisible

I had breakfast with some friends today. One I hadn’t seen for six months and another for 10 years. Both of them are forever kind of friends, the sort who overlook your flaws. Flaws like Parkinson’s disease (PD). It is rare for me to have tremors with all of…