
With Parkinson’s, a Suntan Just Isn’t Worth It

Betty slapped George hard. There was no response, so she dialed 911. Parkinson’s disease (PD) had forced George into early retirement. He loved basking in the sun, diving into a good book, and working on his tan on their deck. Betty was in the kitchen when she saw him slumped over…

Is What You Eat Making You Stink?

If you’ve had Parkinson’s disease for any amount of time, you’ve most likely heard that one of the symptoms is a loss of the sense of smell. You may have experienced it yourself. I pondered this reality one day and became concerned. I wasn’t bothered so much by…

What Not to Say to Someone with Parkinson’s Disease

Not all people with Parkinson’s disease experience the same symptoms. For example, I am most affected by bradykinesia, poor fine motor skills, incontinence, and fatigue. I was inspired to write this column based on my personal experiences after I read Sherri Woodbridge’s column, “What to Say to Someone with…