Study: Unusual sensations, paranoia common in Parkinson’s patients

Approximately two-thirds of Parkinson’s disease patients may experience paranoia and unusual sensations, including visual hallucinations, according to a new study from the U.K. People with Parkinson’s may have paranoid thoughts or unfounded fears, as well as abnormal sensory experiences, the study found. Further, many of the individuals who had…

Trial data advance understanding of adaptive DBS in Parkinson’s

Nearly all people with Parkinson’s disease taking part in Medtronic‘s ADAPT-PD trial had symptom-related brain signals strong enough to trigger adaptive deep brain stimulation (DBS), known for short as aDBS, according to early data. Among the findings: that results were similar regardless of disease severity or the location…

Aggression Aimed at Caregivers in Parkinson’s Linked to Patients’ Grief

Aggression aimed at caregivers in Parkinson’s disease and related disorders is associated with patients’ grief in coping with disease progression and related losses, a new study suggests. Fluctuations in cognition also play a role, researchers say. But these behavioral disturbances have serious consequences for caregivers, according to investigators, who…