
‘Microstretcher’ Technique May Advance Parkinson’s Research

Researchers have developed a way to closely study the function of a cell’s transportation network, made up of structures called microtubules, that appears to be impaired in people with Parkinson’s disease. This technique, called “microstretcher,” may help to better understand microtubules’ deficits and their underlying causes in Parkinson’s,…

Dopamine Infused Directly to Brain Eased Symptoms in Monkeys

An oxygen-free (anaerobic) formulation of dopamine infused directly into the brain of monkeys with induced Parkinson’s safely improved both their motor and cognitive symptoms, according to a new study. These findings support a proof-of-concept clinical trial of this treatment approach, adapted to people with the disease.

Chia Seed Extract May Lower Inflammation in Brain, Study Finds

Compounds extracted from chia seeds could lower the inflammatory activity of brain immune cells, a study suggests. Although additional research is needed, these findings could have implications for patients with neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s. The study, “Neuroprotective effect from Salvia hispanica peptide fractions on…