
STAR Molecule to Restore GCase Activity Showing Early Potential

An oral candidate therapy for Parkinson’s disease called GT-02287 lowered the levels of alpha-synuclein accumulation and inflammation, and lessened behavioral deficits in animal models of the disease. “We are working diligently to advance this breakthrough compound to the clinic and bring it one step closer to meeting the currently unaddressed needs…

Mitochondrial Dysfunction Enough to Cause Parkinson’s in Mice

Mitochondrial dysfunction in dopamine-producing brain cells is sufficient to cause Parkinson’s disease, according to a new study done in mice. The study, “Disruption of mitochondrial complex I induces progressive parkinsonism,” was published in Nature. Parkinson’s is caused by the death and dysfunction of dopamine-producing (dopaminergic) neurons.

Wearable, AI-assisted UltiGesture May Curb Gait Freezing

An interdisciplinary research team from William and Mary University and Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) are working on artificial intelligence programming to help develop a wearable device to treat freezing of gait (FoG), the temporary inability to move while walking, which is a motor symptom of Parkinson’s disease. “Freezing of…

Parkinson’s Foundation Opens 2022 Community Grant Applications

Applications are open for the Parkinson’s Foundation 2022 community grant cycle, with $1 million to be awarded to help fund community-based health, wellness, and education programs supporting those affected by Parkinson’s disease. Since 1957, the Foundation has invested more than $400 million toward  Parkinson’s research and clinical care.

Risk of Falls May Predict Difficulties With Swallowing, Small Study Finds

A heightened fear of falling — common for Parkinson’s patients due to balance and walking problems — is significantly associated with greater swallowing difficulties among these people, a small study shows. Notably, this association was observed even when adjusting for potential influencing factors such as disease duration, suggesting these symptoms…

Nouryant Again Denied Marketing Approval in Europe

A committee of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has issued a negative opinion for Nouryant (istradefylline) — approved as Nourianz in the U.S. — as an add-on medication for treating “off” episodes in those with Parkinson’s disease in the European Union. The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) is maintaining…