
Intestinal Bacteria Not Seen to Affect Duodopa (Duopa) Blood Levels

The presence of levodopa-metabolizing bacteria in the intestines of adults using Duodopa (Duopa in the U.S.) to treat their Parkinson’s disease did not affect their blood levels of levodopa, a small study in Japan suggested. Rather, people on this levodopa-carbidopa formulation, administered directly into the small intestine, “can maintain a constant…

$3.2M Grant to Advance Work Into Serotonin, Its Role in Movement

A National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant worth $3.2 million will further research into how the rewiring of serotonin-producing nerve cells — a chemical messenger mostly involved in mood, cognition and memory — might help with controlling movement in people with advanced Parkinson’s disease. The grant, given to Christopher…

Pairing of Digital Technologies Aims to Support Remote Clinical Trials

Delve Health and Global Kinetics, two digital healthcare companies, are teaming up to simplify the remote monitoring, data collection and analysis of Parkinson’s disease patients enrolled in clinical studies. “This partnership represents both companies’ commitment to providing Parkinson’s patients quality solutions that are user-friendly within the context of…

Development Halted on Gene Therapy Candidate AXO-Lenti-PD

Sio Gene Therapies (Sio), formerly known as Axovant, intends to stop  development of AXO-Lenti-PD, an investigational gene therapy for Parkinson’s disease. Sio will return the global rights to develop and market the therapy to Oxford Biomedica, which licensed the treatment to Sio in 2018. The…

MJFF Urges US Veterans’ Affairs to Better Fund Disease Care, Research

The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) encouraged the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Veterans’ Affairs to expand healthcare access for veterans exposed to hazardous chemicals, and to better support research into service-connected Parkinson’s disease. Recently, the committee hosted a roundtable discussion about healthcare costs for veterans exposed…