
#AAN2022 – ND0612 Shows Good Safety Profile After 4+ Years

ND0612, an investigational formulation of carbidopa/levodopa delivered continuously via a subcutaneous pump, was generally well-tolerated for more than four years of treatment in a Phase 2 clinical trial of Parkinson’s patients, new data show. Findings reveal that the vast majority of adverse events (side effects) reported in…

Azilect as Add-on to Requip May Improve Sleep Quality

Azilect (rasagiline) as an add-on therapy to Requip (ropinrole) improved sleep, reduced the need for sleep medications, and enhanced quality of life in a small group of people with Parkinson’s disease, a study suggested. These findings support more extensive studies to confirm the sleep-related benefits of Azilect,…

Parkinson’s Awareness Month Begins Worldwide Today

In 1817, James Parkinson published “An Essay on the Shaking Palsy,” the first such recognition of a disease that eventually would be known by his name. On April 11, World Parkinson’s Day and the 267th anniversary of Parkinson’s birth, and throughout the month, the Parkinson’s community will raise awareness about…

Vyant Bio, OrganoTherapeutics Will Use Organoids for New Therapies

Vyant Bio and OrganoTherapeutics are teaming up to speed the discovery of new candidates for treating Parkinson’s disease. The collaboration will leverage OrganoTherapeutic’s patient-derived “mini-brains” — midbrain organoids — derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and Vyant Bio’s expertise in machine learning technology to identify new…

ABBV-951, Levodopa as Infusion, Seen as Similar to Intestinal Gel

ABBV-951, a continuous infusion formulation of levodopa/carbidopa, brought comparable levels of levodopa into the bloodstream of healthy volunteers as surgically implanted levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel (LCIG), a Phase 1 study confirmed. Because the delivery of doses can be tailored to a patient’s needs, this alternative form of delivery — a portable…

Way of Supporting Lysosomes Seen to Protect Nerve Cells in Early Study

Injecting acidic nanoparticles into mice in a model of Parkinson’s disease protected against nerve cell loss and restored the ability of lysosomes, cell compartments responsible for breaking down excess or damaged proteins, to work as they should, a research team reported. “Our results support lysosomal re-acidification as a disease-modifying strategy for…