Way of Visualizing Alpha-Synuclein Clumps in Living Brain Reported

Using a newly created probe and non-invasive PET scans, researchers were able to visualize sites of alpha-synuclein protein clumps — associated with nerve damage in Parkinson’s disease — in the brains of living patients, scientists reported. This method may help in diagnosing conditions related to alpha-synuclein clumping, referred to…

3D Brain Organoids Capture Hallmarks ‘Only Seen in Patients’

Researchers developed “mini-brains” — midbrain-like organoids — that recapitulate for a first time two key Parkinson’s hallmarks in that organ: the formation of toxic protein clumps known as Lewy bodies and the loss of dopamine-producing neurons. A combination of two known Parkinson’s risk factors — a deficiency of the beta-glucocerebrosidase…