
Protein That Increases Dopamine Release Could Become Parkinson’s Therapy, Study Reports

Administering a naturally occurring protein directly to the brains of rats increased the amount of the neurotransmitter dopamine going to the animals’ nerve cells, suggesting it could be a way to treat Parkinson’s, a study reports. The findings further demonstrate the MANF protein’s potential to treat Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative disorders, according…

Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy Can Help Treat Parkinson’s Patients’ Depression, Study Finds

Cognitive behavioral group therapy reduced Parkinson’s patients’ depression and anxiety, an Italian study reports. Parkinson’s patients experience both movement and non-movement symptoms, including depression, anxiety, apathy, fatigue, pain, and impulse control disorders. Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a well-established strategy for reducing depression and apathy. But evidence supporting its…

Parkinson’s Foundation Receives $450,000 Gift from Terranova to Expand Centers of Excellence Network

Stephen Bittel, founder and chairman of Terranova, has donated $450,000 to the Miami-based Parkinson’s Foundation to fund the expansion of its Centers of Excellence network. Bittel also pledged to use his personal and professional networks to raise an additional $1 million for ongoing fellowship grants to encourage young scientists,…

Sunovion’s Below-the-Tongue Therapy Eases Parkinson’s Movement Difficulties, Trial Shows

Sunovion Pharmaceuticals’ below-the-tongue version of a Parkinson’s therapy was able to ease patients’ movement difficulties after the standard therapy levodopa wore off, a Phase 3 clinical trial showed. Patients also tolerated the treatment — known as apomorphine sublingual film — well, the preliminary results showed. Sublingual means below the tongue, so the therapy’s full…

NIH Creates Huge Public-Private Partnership to Try to Speed Parkinson’s Therapy Development

The U.S. National Institutes of Health is starting a pioneering, multi-pronged public-private partnership program to try to accelerate the development of Parkinson’s treatments. What makes it special is how big it is. The NIH-led collaboration includes government, pharmaceutical companies, life science companies and non-profit organizations. The partners are calling the collaboration AMP…

Wearable Sensors Tracking Exercise Show Potential in Parkinson’s But Better Studies Needed, Team Says

Researchers at Cedars-Sinai found existing evidence does not support claims that wearable biosensors are improving outcomes for patients with various ills — from obesity to hypertension to lung or heart diseases — although hints of these devices’ potential were seen in some studies in Parkinson’s patients. A lack of long-term and…