
Denali to Test Higher Doses of Potential Parkinson’s Therapy on Healthy Volunteers, With FDA’s Blessing

Denali Therapeutics says its experimental therapy for Parkinson’s disease, DNL201 — a small-molecule inhibitor of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) — stopped an average 90 percent of LRRK2 kinase activity at its highest concentration. When the drug’s levels dropped to the lowest concentration (known as trough levels), it still inhibited…

Top 10 Parkinson’s Disease Stories of 2017

Throughout the past year, Parkinson’s News Today has brought you news on Parkinson’s disease treatment development, clinical trials, research, and events. As we look forward to bringing you more news in 2018, we would like to sum up 2017 by bringing you the Top 10 Parkinson’s disease stories that…

Courage Wins Over Fear

Fear is real. Those who live with a chronic illness may deal with it on a daily basis. It robs you of the joy of in your journey, the thrill of tomorrow, the delight of your day. It steals your contentment, empties you of enjoying the now, replaces wonder with…