
Senses Related to Smell May Be Predictor of Parkinson’s

A chemical sense related to smell, called the trigeminal system, may help researchers understand which people who lose their sense of smell will later develop Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson Canada is supporting this research through a $45,000, yearlong grant, given to Johannes Frasnelli, PhD, of l’Université de Québec á…

FDA Approves Advanced DBS System Allowing More Personalized Care

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Medtronic‘s SenSight Directional Lead System, which offers both sensing and directional capabilities allowing for more precise use of deep brain stimulation (DBS), a widely approved surgical treatment for Parkinson’s disease. The first SenSight directional lead systems were implanted in a…

Data Support Long-term Efficacy of Nuplazid for Psychosis

Treatment with Nuplazid (pimavanserin) can ease symptoms of Parkinson’s disease psychosis (PDP) for up to 10 weeks, and is generally safe and well-tolerated, according to new clinical trial data. The findings were published in Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, in the study, “Efficacy results of pimavanserin…

Algorithm May Make Deep Brain Stimulation More Adaptive Process

An algorithm that detects and removes electrical interference produced by deep brain stimulation (DBS) devices could make it possible to design adaptable devices that better treat the tremors related to Parkinson’s disease, researchers report. Their algorithm is described in the study “Uncovering biomarkers during therapeutic neuromodulation…

Survey: Patients Want Low Cost, Under-the-tongue Treatment

When choosing on-demand treatments for “off” episodes, individuals with Parkinson’s disease prefer those with lower out-of-pocket cost and an under-the-tongue (sublingual) mode of administration, according to a survey of 300 patients living in the U.S. Next in preferred features was faster onset, followed by longer duration of “on” periods. These…

MJFF Funding 4 Studies Into Environmental Toxins and Parkinson’s

Funding from the Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) will support four projects investigating possible connections between toxic environmental factors and Parkinson’s disease, including those encountered in military service and daily life exposure to pesticides and air pollution. Although Parkinson’s is a complex disorder and unlikely to have a single…