
Dosing Completed in Phase 2a Trial of ANVS401

Patient dosing has been completed in the Phase 2a clinical trial testing ANVS401, Annovis Bio’s investigational therapy for Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. An additional 40 patients with Parkinson’s disease were treated with ANVS401, with the company now preparing to share final safety and efficacy data later this year. According to…

Low-frequency DBS May Help Parkinson’s Patients With Walking

Low-frequency deep brain stimulation (DBS) may help to ease balance problems due to postural instability in people with Parkinson’s disease, a small clinical trial reported. But patients with significant tremor prior to starting DBS may not find the treatment tolerable, because it can lead to the re-emergence of…

Study Examines Genetics of Parkinson’s in Latinos

Genetic variations in the gene SNCA are tied to an increased risk of Parkinson’s disease (PD) among Latinos, according to a recent analysis. Also, Latinos with African ancestry are less likely to develop Parkinson’s. The analysis is “the most comprehensive examination of PD genetics in this population [Latinos] to…

Way of Protecting Key Neurons in LRRK2-linked Parkinson’s Seen

In mice with a harmful mutation in the leucine-rich repeat protein kinase 2 (LRRK2) gene, one of the most common genetic causes of Parkinson’s disease, treatment with a small molecule compound restored the recycling of damaged mitochondria — the cells’ powerhouses — from dopamine-producing nerve cells. A failure…

AbbVie Chooses Two Parkinson’s Therapies to Develop With Mission

AbbVie has selected two drug candidates — both targeting enzymes known as DUBs — for further development as possible Parkinson’s disease treatments, as part of the company’s ongoing collaboration with Mission Therapeutics. “We are delighted to have reached this next major milestone in our collaboration with AbbVie and…

Parkinson’s Foundation Grant Supports Free Dance-Pilates Classes

A $20,000 Parkinson’s Foundation community grant will help to keep the American Dance Festival’s (ADF) Parkinson’s Movement Initiative (PMI) going for a fifth year. The program, founded by ADF in 2017 with NC Dance for Parkinson’s, and Poe Wellness Solutions, is free for Parkinson’s disease (PD)…

MJFF Fellow Working to Raise Black, Minority Presence in Research

A Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) research fellow is leading a study into the role of social determinants in medical mistrust and the lack of clinical trial participation by people with diseases such as Parkinson’s who belong to racial, ethnic and social minority groups. Paris Adkins-Jackson’s study, titled “…

CNM-Au8 Raises Cellular Energy in Brains of Patients in REPAIR-PD Trial

Clene Nanomedicine‘s investigational oral Parkinson’s treatment, CNM-Au8, safely and significantly increased energy metabolism in the brains of patients taking part in the Phase 2 REPAIR clinical trials, top-line results show. Greater energy metabolism is expected to lower oxidative stress in the brain, making more energy available to protect and…