
Move to the Music for Joy, Strength, Relief

I’ve always wanted to take a dance class. Ballroom dancing, country dancing, the tango ― whatever. I’m certain you’d agree that dance is good exercise for most everyone. Not that we all like it or are inclined to try it, but for the PD…

Stupid Question of the Day

We all are surrounded by people who mean well, people who don’t mean to come across as ignorant, but who are, nonetheless, ignorant. Especially when they are representing health agencies. There is a European agency that runs similarly to the Social Security Administration and assesses individuals needing…

Never Give In When the Going Gets Tough

Some people keep journals, some keep diaries, some record life’s events on their calendars. I have done all three. I kept a diary as a young girl, and then moved onto journals (although I tend to think they are more one in the same). I keep a…

Parkinson’s and the ‘D’ word

Many people refuse to talk about it. Fewer want to admit they struggle with it. Many are embarrassed by it. All would choose to live without it. It’s the “D” word: Depression. On my first visit to see my neurologist several years ago, much to my surprise, I…

The Journey is a Great Adventure

It wasn’t irreverent. At least, I didn’t think so. He was just a middle-aged dad who appeared to be confined to a wheelchair. He was coming down the aisle of the church at a faster than “normal” speed for a Sunday morning worship service, and it was…

Support Groups: Are They for You?

People from all walks of life are being encouraged to join a support group. You know, like a support group for recently divorced couples, those with an alcohol addiction, or people who have chocolate meltdowns, anger management issues, depression, illnesses, an addiction to chocolate chip milkshakes, and…