
Taking a Rest with Parkinson’s Disease

My youngest grandson fought his daily naps. My oldest grandson, on the other hand, loved naps so much that when they rolled around, he would ask if it was “time for sleeping yet.” Needless to say, when the time came to sleep, they both woke happy and rested — most…

The Top Things I Learned in Parkinson’s Summer School

Laurie K. Mischley, a naturopathic doctor, assembled approximately 60 people with Parkinson’s for a conference at Bastyr University’s Seattle campus in August. The six-day “summer school” included lectures, exercise classes, and nutrition advice designed to improve each patient’s experience with Parkinson’s and possibly slow progression. Those in attendance…

Explaining, Not Complaining: A New Approach to Pain

Pain visits me all the time now. There are multiple days when high pain levels make me nauseated. I am sick and tired of having to say how sick and tired I feel. I’m experimenting with a new approach: responding to the pain in a dispassionate way, making observations, and…

What Changed After DBS Surgery No. 1

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) can affect both cognitive and motor symptoms in Parkinson’s patients who undergo the surgery. The procedure gives hope to those who are substantially inhibited by tremors and dyskinesia — people like my dad. After doctors determined he’d make a good candidate for the…

When Silence Is Golden

There is a story of a little girl who was late coming home from school one day. Her mother was beside herself with worry. When the girl finally came through the door, her mother’s concern quickly turned to frustration. “Where have you been?” she asked her daughter. “I’ve been worried…

Do You Live in the Shadows or the Light?

The tallest sunflower I am aware of measures 30 feet, 1 inch. It was grown by Hans-Peter Schiffer and was first verified by Guinness World Records in August 2014. Schiffer now holds the record twice, winning again in 2015. The tallest sunflower I grew was just over 22 feet.

Caressed by Calmness: An Extended Well-being Moment

Wow! That was intense. I was just sitting in the “pause between” with no expectation beyond a quiet mind, allowing the moment to bloom. Suddenly, the moment transformed into this encompassing sense of being caressed by calmness. Even more surprising, the calm stayed with me for part of the day,…

Finding Answers in a Sea of Information

I had the symptoms long before the diagnosis. They started back in high school. By the age of 32, I was looking for answers, but finding the wrong ones. I didn’t find the right answer until 10 years later: Parkinson’s disease. While exploring the internet, I found Daily Strength……