
OM1 launches dataset to expand Parkinson’s evidence in real world

OM1 has launched a Parkinson’s disease premium dataset to expand real-world evidence on the progression of Parkinson’s progression and its treatments. The goal is to have a comprehensive view of the course of patients’ disease and contribute to accelerating research, assessing therapies’ effectiveness, and supporting procedures to…

Magnetic brain stimulation eases symptoms in mouse model

A treatment that works to stimulate the brain using weak magnetic waves effectively eased symptoms in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease, a new study reports. Researchers hope to start a small-scale study soon testing this treatment in people. “The technology is proven and it’s harmless and we want…

Eye scans may spot Parkinson’s years before diagnosis

Eye scans may help identify who’s at risk of developing Parkinson’s several years before symptoms first become apparent and doctors can make a diagnosis of the disease, a study suggests. Researchers observed that two specific structures in the retina, a light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of…