
PKG Wearable Device Objectively Detects Motor Fluctuations, Dyskinesia, Study Shows

A wearable motion-tracking device called Personal KinetiGraph (PKG) objectively and effectively assesses Parkinson’s-related motor fluctuations, researchers report. The study, “The role of Personal KinetiGraphTM fluctuator score in quantifying the progression of motor fluctuations in Parkinson’s disease,” was published in Functional Neurology. The PKG system, developed…

Luxembourg Parkinson’s Study Awarded €6M From FNR for Second Phase

Continuing its support of a collaborative Parkinson’s disease (PD) study, the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) has awarded the National Centre for Excellence in Research on Parkinson’s Disease (NCER-PD) €6 million ($6.68 million) for its second phase. Comprised primarily of five research partners, the four-year-old Luxembourg-based NCER-PD is…

Imbalance in Dopamine and Acetylcholine Levels May Drive Disease Progression, Study Finds

Therapies against motor loss and progression in Parkinson’s’ disease (PD) may need to tackle the imbalance between two neurotransmitters, dopamine and acetylcholine, instead of focusing on dopamine alone, an early study suggests. The study, “Dopamine Deficiency Reduces Striatal Cholinergic Interneuron Function in Models of Parkinson’s Disease,” was published…