
Parkinson’s Foundation Opens Campaign to Support Newly Diagnosed

To provide new patients with the information, tools and resources they need to best manage their health, the Parkinson’s Foundation has launched a campaign to close the gap between learning of an illness and knowing how and where to find help. Called “Newly Diagnosed: Building a Better Life with Parkinson’s…

Mutations in Alpha-Synuclein Speed Protein Clumping in Familial Parkinson’s and Affect Severity, Study Finds

A detailed analysis of alpha-synuclein — a key protein involved in Parkinson’s — revealed how variants of this protein change over time, allowing researchers to identify the initial stages of protein aggregation involved in early onset disease. These findings provide new insights into how genetic mutations — especially…

Genetic Parkinson’s More Common Than Thought, Global Survey Reveals

Cases of inherited Parkinson’s disease may be more frequent than previously reported, results from an online global survey suggest. The survey, which was conducted by members of The Michael J. Fox Foundation Global Genetic Parkinson’s Study Group (MJFF-GGPSG), also revealed the willingness of investigators to share clinical information on…