
In Parkinson’s, adaptive DBS better than standard DBS procedure

Adaptive deep brain stimulation (DBS) outperformed traditional DBS in alleviating motor symptoms and enhancing the quality of life for people with Parkinson’s disease, a pilot study shows. In adaptive DBS, nerve signals associated with motor fluctuations are detected in real time and stimulation is automatically adjusted to ease…

Cycling better than electrical muscle stimulation for cognition: Study

Cycling was more effective than electrical muscle stimulation at improving cognitive function, according to a small study. The results have implications for neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s in which both movement and cognition can be affected. “Our results suggest that the relationship between exercise and brain activity is crucial for faster…

BBSome complex guides dopamine transport; may impact Parkinson’s

A complex of proteins involved in cellular trafficking, called the BBSome, plays a role in regulating the transport of dopamine, the nerve cell signaling molecule that’s deficient in Parkinson’s disease, a study reveals. “Given the significant medical impact of altered dopamine signaling in multiple neurobehavioral disorders, further studies of…

Phase 2 trial of VG081821 to ease motor symptoms fully enrolled

Enrollment is complete in a Phase 2 trial of VG081821, an investigational therapy to treat early to mid-stage Parkinson’s disease, the therapy’s developer, Vimgreen, announced. A total of 150 patients have been randomized to receive a low or high dose of VG081821 or a placebo for 12 weeks, or…

Actor Ryan Reynolds headlines Parkinson’s awareness campaign

Ryan Reynolds is the face of an educational campaign aiming to raise awareness of lesser-known Parkinson’s disease symptoms: the hallucinations and delusions that can be related to the disease. The ‘More to Parkinson’s’ initiative, sponsored by Acadia Pharmaceuticals, features a six-part series in which the actor…