
Turning Words Into Actions May Improve Memory

Acting out a word or phrase may help people keep memory of it — a phenomenon called the enactment effect — and this also may hold true for those with poor motor control due to Parkinson’s disease, according to a review study. “Our meta-analysis found that even Parkinson’s disease…

Neuron23, QIAGEN Developing Test to Find Patients for LRRK2 Inhibitor

Neuron23 and QIAGEN have joined forces to develop a companion test to predict the response of patients to Neuron23’s experimental treatment for Parkinson’s disease, called NEU-723. “QIAGEN’s blood-based test will help to identify patients with Parkinson’s disease who are likely to respond to Neuron23’s LRRK2 inhibitor,” Nancy Stagliano,…

Phase 1/2 Trial Supports Ketamine for Levodopa-induced Dyskinesia

New trial data suggest that low-dose ketamine — which does not induce anesthesia — may be a potential treatment for levodopa-induced dyskinesia, or involuntary movements, in Parkinson’s disease. “Ketamine was safe [and] well-tolerated with 100% of patients treated with ketamine demonstrating reduction in dyskinesias,” PharmaTher Holdings, the Canadian-based…

New Phase 3 Trial Data Back P2B001 as Therapy for Early Parkinson’s

New trial data suggest that the combination therapy P2B001 for early Parkinson’s disease may offer effective symptom control with significantly fewer side effects — notably, less daytime sleepiness — than available treatments. The therapy, being developed by the Israeli-based Pharma Two B, could potentially be a first-line,…

Supporters to Make Strides Against Parkinson’s in Moving Day Walks

Supporters across the nation will make strides against Parkinson’s disease this fall in Moving Day walks — the Parkinson’s Foundation’s signature fundraising effort that also aims to heighten awareness and understanding. Moving Day, a Walk for Parkinson’s events will takes place in 19 cities throughout the U.S.

Survey Shows Toll of ‘Off Times’ on Patients, Caregivers

Among Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients who participated in a recent survey, 86% reported experiencing daily “off” episodes — when medication wears off and symptoms return — and 56% don’t think their symptoms can improve beyond their current state. Many patients also were not aware of the availability of adjunctive…

CBD Found to Improve Survival in Worm Models of Parkinson’s

Treatment with cannabidiol (CBD) prevented nerve cell death, extended survival, and reduced toxic protein clumps in nematode worm models of Parkinson’s disease, a new study reports. “These findings supported CBD as an anti-parkinsonian drug,” the researchers wrote, adding that “this CBD neuroprotective action might be due to its antioxidative…

Algorithms Detect Parkinson’s Based on Verily Study Watch Data

A new analysis using machine-learning and sensor data from the Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI), a digital health research program sponsored by The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research (MJFF), successfully distinguished between people with and without Parkinson’s disease, according to a small study led by…