
‘You Don’t Look Sick’

“Invisible” disease: a disease that is not necessarily visible to the human eye; hidden; concealed from others. Parkinson’s disease (PD) can be known as an “invisible” disease. However, since PD is most commonly characterized by tremors in the extremities and shaking, most people don’t think of it as…

Where Does Your Strength Come From?

Grieving can, and often does, involve suffering, sorrow, sadness, hurt, depression, a feeling of affliction, and more. Grief is most commonly related to, and thereby put into, the categories of death and dying. However, grief covers so much more than our expression over the physical loss of a…

Back to Medications

Haven’t I been here before? I can’t fight this alone. Medications are now an option. Several months on a holistic route gave me no improvement in symptoms. So, I bit the bullet and decided to try another Parkinson’s prescription medication. In October 2017, I started the Neupro (rotigotine) transdermal patch.

The ABCs of Parkinson’s Disease: The Letter C

Third in a series. Read part one and two. In this column, the letter C is for cognitive changes and caregiving. Cognitive changes Some possible Parkinson’s disease symptoms are obvious because they are visible: tremors, abnormal gait, a non-swinging arm. You can see them. Others can see…

The ABCs of Parkinson’s Disease: The Letter B

Second in a series. Read part one. The letter B is for balance and Botox. Balance Many people with Parkinson’s experience walking or balance problems, which can occur in differing degrees. Gait problems can range from the disease slowing your speed, to a lessening of your…

I’m Not Giving In

In third grade, I learned to write cursive. I loved — no — adored my teacher, Mrs. Nigerian. She was short, petite, dark-haired, and so very kind. She even had me over after school a few times, and I helped her make a cake for her husband one…

When the Rain Falls and Hope Is Renewed

Today it is raining here in Oregon, the state where many believe it rains all the time. But you know what’s good about so much rain? Everything stays green. All year. Sometimes, I know, it can seem depressing (and it is for some). But not today. Today it’s…