
Seize the Moment to Fulfill Your Purpose

I lie in bed at night, my left hand under my head. In this position, I can hear the ticking of my watch. Each beat reminds me that another moment no longer exists. I am one second farther from yesterday and one second closer to tomorrow. About two years ago,…

Heel, Toe: Walking with Mindfulness

“Mindfulness isn’t difficult, we just need to remember to do it.” — Sharon Salzberg The ability to walk is something many of us, myself included, have always taken for granted. Now that I have Parkinson’s disease (PD), something that used to come as a matter of…

My Joy of Gardening Is More Than Skin Deep

If you’re anything like me, there’s something energizing about gardening and pulling weeds. About pruning back overgrowth and watering budding seedlings, even if, because of having Parkinson’s, you can do it only a fraction of the time you used to be able to keep at it. In those…

Making Sense of the Senseless

When I was in high school, I followed the written journey of a classmate who was diagnosed with leukemia. Miles Levin struggled to comprehend a senseless battle through the exploration of words. He wore the armor of someone who was too young to fight cancer when he wrote, “Dying is…

I’m Learning Not to Make Assumptions

I have a bad habit of assuming things. You would think (an assumption) that I would have learned by now, but no.  Take today for example.  My husband and I were at the mall this afternoon people-watching in front of the coffee shop. I watched through…

What to Say to Someone with Parkinson’s Disease

You’ve probably read articles with titles like, “10 Things Not to Say to a Person with Parkinson’s.” These typically include statements like, “But you don’t look sick,” or perhaps, “My Uncle Nero had that, and his arms fell off.” You’ve heard the possible and the far-fetched, the comments…