Joana Carvalho, PhD, managing science editor —

Joana holds a bachelor’s in biology, a Master of Science in evolutionary and developmental biology, and a PhD in biomedical sciences from Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. Her work has been focused on the impact of non-canonical Wnt signaling in the collective behavior of endothelial cells — those that make up the lining of blood vessels — found in the umbilical cord of newborns. In addition to several research fellowships, she was awarded two Erasmus scholarships to conduct part of her studies in France.

Articles by Joana Carvalho

Novartis’ Tasigna Fails to Show Clinically Meaningful Benefits in Parkinson’s, Phase 2 Trial Shows

Tasigna (nilotinib), an approved leukemia medication being tested as a repurposed treatment for Parkinson’s disease, failed to show any clinically meaningful benefits in a Phase 2 trial, the study’s steering committee announced. Although an announcement of the study’s topline data was originally planned for 2020, the trial’s steering…

Patients’ Self-reported Symptoms Reflect Clinical Assessments of Parkinson’s Severity, Study Finds

A patient’s perception of how Parkinson’s disease affects their motor and non-motor skills reflects clinical assessments of disease severity, a study has found. The findings of the study were presented in the poster, “Modeling the Effect of Patient’s Perception of Non-Motor and Motor Function on Parkinson’s Disease Severity,”…