Bionews Staff,  writers and editors—

Bionews, the owner and publisher of this site, employs science writers and editors, most of whom have PhDs in the life sciences, as well as veteran journalists, who ensure stories are well-written and easy to understand. Our stories undergo a comprehensive fact-checking and editing process to confirm accuracy, objectiveness, and thoroughness in order to best serve our audience of patients and caregivers.

Articles by Bionews Staff

30 Days of PD: Parkinson’s Showed Me My Strength

Photo courtesy of Gauri Khare Day 3 of 30 This is Gauri Khare’s story: One fine morning, I was startled to find that my neck had become stiff and rigid. There was tightness in my left fingers. My actions had dramatically slowed and I was walking as though limping…

30 Days of PD: I Try to Focus On Today

Photo courtesy of Barbara Traynor Day 1 of 30 This is Barbara Traynor’s story: “Don’t blame everything on Parkinson’s, Barbara.” Sage advice from my first neurologist, a most knowledgeable and compassionate man. I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2014 at age 75, and am ashamed to say that…

I Am Strong, but I Am Tired

“I think for me, any great art is art which communicates human emotion.” – Greg Lake Good art evokes emotion. This sculpture, by Simone Wojciechowski, titled “Tired Soul,” represents exactly how I feel: “Tired Soul” by Simone Wojciechowski. (Courtesy of Simone Wojciechowski Sculptures) Why am I tired? Lately, I…

Exercise Rx: What About Apathy and Fatigue?

Recently, the Parkinson’s Foundation partnered with the American College of Sports Medicine to provide new exercise recommendations for people with Parkinson’s and certified exercise professionals. The goals of this collaboration are admirable and long overdue. They seek to: Ensure standards of care for exercise professionals working with people…