Tangled Up with Dementia in Parkinson’s Disease

Sherri Woodbridge avatar

by Sherri Woodbridge |

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Sherri Journeying Through

A reader recently posed the following question: “Why are there never any comments on dementia in regards to Parkinson’s disease? It is very real, and 40 percent of Parkinson’s patients deal with it.”

So, I began looking into it. My answer could have been, “Because I don’t want to think about that stuff.”

The idea that this disease could dominate my mind (as opposed to taking over my “brain”), among the other things it’s already taken from me, is frightening. And it’s a real possibility.

It is estimated that 50 to 80 percent of people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) will develop dementia. It takes about 10 years from the onset of PD to develop dementia, according to the Alzheimer’s Association.

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In those with PD dementia, “plaques” and “tangles” are present. Plaques (not the kind dentist removes from your teeth) are deposits of a type of protein that form around nerve cells. These little monsters begin to cling to one another and form clumps, plaques, which prevent nerve cells from sending messages to each other properly.

Tangles, not the kind you comb out of your hair, are formed of tau protein, found in nerve cells. They are either on their way or have made it to death row. They bunch together, twisting around each other and forming tangles of nerve cell fibers. While tangling up the parallel strands of tau protein nerve cells, they fall apart, disintegrate, and cripple the cells’ communication system.

While this is going on, unawares to the patient, the plaques and the tangles continue to gather inside of the brain, causing other nice and healthy nerve cells to eventually wither away and die a silent death, leading to shrinkage in the area of the brain in which these little monsters had their fun fest.

Plaques and tangles present further complications in people with Parkinson’s, as these are the hallmark brain changes linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

I warned you. I told you we didn’t want to think about this stuff. But, unfortunately, it’s a part of the reality of Parkinson’s disease we must be aware of, not so we can worry and fret, but so that we can receive treatment sooner rather than later.


Note: Parkinson’s News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Parkinson’s News Today or its parent company, Bionews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to Parkinson’s disease.


paul butler avatar

paul butler

my wife has been diagnosed with Parkinsons and is experiencing some dementia. I have been supplementing with capsules of organic mushrooms from Host Defense, and I feel they are having a positive effect. Does anyone else have experience with mushrooms--lions mane and reishi--to be specific?

Jony avatar


Hi Paul
Are you still giving Lions Mane to your wife? If so what has been the results? And What dosages are you using?

John Bradley avatar

John Bradley

Yes Paul, Lions Mane cleans out the brain and helps rebuild the nerve endings and myelin sheath. Then you take Reishi to protect the nerves. I've been working with dementia clients that have dementia and they improve within weeks of getting their memory back, but you have to keep taking the mushroom tinctures. But that's OK. I tell my clients it may or may not work for you but you'll never know unless you try. Yes, Host Defense is a good company but instead of using Capsules try using the Tinctures only because I believe the stomach acids destroy most of the mushroom chemical where the tincture under the tongue goes right to the brain.



My wife was diagnosed with PD about 25 years ago. 3 years ago she was diagnosed with Parkinsonian Dementia. She has been wearing the Exelon patch since then. I don't know if it is beneficial or not, but her dementia is getting much worse to the point she frequently refuses to take her Sinemet. She recently started taking Memantine liquid. Can't tell whether or not it helps. No experience with mushrooms. What is so depressing to both of us is that there has been no new medication for PD in the last 25 years, only meds to control dyskensia and various new forms of levodopa.

Sherri Woodbridge avatar

Sherri Woodbridge

Anthony - Sorry to hear about your wife. It is disheartening to think about the lack of progress made with PD medications and treatments but when you think of that which has improved and or the progress that has been made in some areas, their is hope. We just have to keep pressing forward and not give up. Hang in there... you are not alone.

- sherri

Leanne avatar


My fiancée has just been diagnosed with MSA , does anyone have any advise?

Karolina avatar


Hi! is there any problems to take Lions Mane/Reishi tinktur together with Parkinson medicin?

best, Karolina

Karen avatar


My aunt has also been diagnosed with MSA and within a year, she has almost lost the ability to walk by herself. I was wondering whether anyone else with MSA tried Reishi/Lions Mane and whether it had any positive results?


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