
LRRK2 mutations may curb certain immune cells’ ability to clear waste

Mutations in the LRRK2 gene might contribute to Parkinson’s disease by suppressing the activity of lysosomes, the cell compartments responsible for clearing misfolded proteins and other cellular waste, according to a recent study. In cell culture experiments, Parkinson’s-associated LRRK2 mutations were linked to reduced lysosome activity in microglia and macrophages,…

UCB0599 reduces inflammation, improves coordination in mice

The experimental oral therapy UCB0599 — now in clinical trials — improves motor coordination and reduces inflammation and levels of the disease-related protein alpha-synuclein in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease. “This comprehensive package of [Parkinson’s]-relevant improvements supports the rationale of directly targeting misfolded [alpha-synuclein] with the small molecule minzasolmin…

MJFF, Quansys to develop immunoassays for Parkinson’s

Quansys Biosciences and The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research (MJFF) are teaming up to develop tests that can help monitor Parkinson’s disease progression and evaluate treatment effectiveness in clinical trials. The partnership builds on the company’s expertise in immunoassays, a type of test that uses…