
ABBV-951 now available at low, no cost in England to certain patients

ABBV-951 (foslevodopa/foscarbidopa) — Abbvie’s continuous infusion formulation of levodopa/carbidopa that’s administered under the skin — will now be accessible at low or no cost to people in England with advanced Parkinson’s disease whose severe motor fluctuations are no longer controlled by standard treatments. That’s according to the…

Possible blood biomarkers of Parkinson’s fatigue identified

Blood levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), an inflammatory molecule, and phosphorylated alpha-synuclein, a Parkinson’s disease biomarker, could be used to distinguish Parkinson’s patients with or without fatigue. Those findings from a recent study suggest the two markers may be  “promising biomarkers in discriminating PD [Parkinson’s disease] with…

Mouse study sheds light on alpha-synuclein buildup in the gut

Recent research in mice has revealed possible mechanisms by which alpha-synuclein protein is transported from blood cells in circulation to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, where the protein is then thought to travel to the brain to drive Parkinson’s disease. Cellular carriers called extracellular vesicles (EVs) released from red blood…

Wrist-worn device shows good accuracy for measuring off time

The Parkinson KinetiGraph (PKG), a wrist-worn device resembling a watch, offers a moderate level of measurement for tracking symptom fluctuations and medication side effects in individuals with Parkinson’s disease. That’s according to the study “Application of single wrist-wearable accelerometry for objective motor diary assessment in…