
Study finds pain to be common in early-onset Parkinson’s

More than three-quarters of people with early-onset Parkinson’s disease (EOPD) experience pain, according to a recent study conducted in Vietnam, with more severe pain reported by older patients and those with nonmotor symptoms such as depression, sexual dysfunction, and hallucinations. Additional studies with well-validated tools are needed to further…

Continuous apomorphine infusion effective with advanced Parkinson’s

One year of continuous subcutaneous (under-the-skin) apomorphine infusion (CSAI) reduced the severity of advanced Parkinson’s disease among patients across India, a study showed. Disease motor symptoms, as well as various Parkinson’s nonmotor symptoms like fatigue, pain, anxiety and depression, — along with quality of life — improved…

Alpha-synuclein prods neurons’ protein gain, causing them to die

Alpha-synuclein, the protein that builds up into toxic clumps in Parkinson’s disease, may trigger neurons (nerve cells) to increase their production of new proteins, ultimately causing them to die, according to a recent study. “Parkinson’s disease has major impacts on quality of life for patients, but also for their…

New imaging technology may help diagnose neurological conditions

Targeted ocular spectroscopy, a technology that allows real-time imaging of the back of the eye (or eye fundus) while observing how light interacts with specific structures in the retina, can help diagnose several eye and neurological conditions, including Parkinson’s disease, according to a recent study. The retina is the…