
Pain May Be Early Detector of Parkinson’s, Study Suggests

Patients likely to have prodromal, or early, Parkinson’s disease tend to have a higher prevalence of pain, according to a new study. The findings indicate that pain may be a relevant disease marker before the appearance of motor disturbances. The study, “Pain: A marker of prodromal Parkinsons disease?”…

Nutritional Supplement Boosts Benefits of Physical Rehabilitation in Patients With Parkinson’s or Parkinsonism, Study Shows

A whey protein-based nutritional supplement improved motor functions in patients with Parkinson’s or parkinsonism who were engaged in an intensive physical rehabilitation program, according to clinical trial results. The study, “PROtein, LEucine And vitamin D Enhancing Rehabilitation (PRO-LEADER) in patients with Parkinson’s disease or parkinsonism:…

Deep Brain Stimulation is a Long-term, Effective, Safe Treatment for Parkinson’s, New Studies Show

Subthalamic deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) seems to be a long-term, effective, and safe therapeutic option for patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease, new studies report. STN-DBS is a non-destructive surgical treatment for Parkinson’s, in which a battery-operated device that generates electrical impulses is implanted to specific regions of the…

Opicapone Shows Motor Benefits, Eases ‘Off’ Periods for Parkinson’s Patients in Phase 3 Study

Once-daily treatment with opicapone provides continued reductions of off periods in Parkinson’s patients taking levodopa, a Phase 3 clinical study shows. The findings also reveal that opicapone’s effectiveness was superior to that of Comtan (entacapone, marketed by Novartis). The results were presented in three scientific posters at the 2018 World…