
Treatment With AZD0328, Nicotine Loses Effectiveness as Parkinson’s Progresses, Study Shows

  AZD0328 and nicotine, two nicotinic receptor agonists, lose their effectiveness in treating involuntary muscle movements as a consequence of long-term levodopa treatment throughout the course of Parkinson’s disease, a mouse study finds. The study, “Dyskinesia and brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels after long-term levodopa and nicotinic receptor agonist treatments in female mice…

Parkinson’s Gene Therapy Eases Motor Symptoms by Creating New Brain Circuits, Study Shows

An experimental gene therapy called AAV2-GAD, previously shown to improve motor function in Parkinson’s patients, works by creating new circuits in the brain involving motor regions, researchers have discovered. Their findings were published in the study, “Gene therapy reduces Parkinson’s disease symptoms by reorganizing functional brain connectivity,”…