
FDA to Review Nuplazid as Treatment for Dementia-related Psychosis

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will review Acadia Pharmaceutical’s application asking that Nuplazid (pimavanserin) also be approved to treat hallucinations and delusions associated with various forms of dementia-related psychosis, the company announced. The supplemental new drug application (sNDA) was granted standard review status, and the…

World Brain Day 2020 Dedicated to Parkinson’s Disease

The 6th annual World Brain Day, celebrated Wednesday (July 22), will be dedicated to raising awareness for Parkinson’s disease and promoting patient advocacy. The World Federation of Neurology (WFN) founded and coordinates the event to raise public awareness and promote advocacy related to brain health. This year, the…

Computer Algorithm May Improve Accuracy, Coverage of Drug Delivery to Brain

A new computer algorithm that guides intracerebral injections to improve drug delivery to the brain has been developed by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The new technology, dubbed COMMAND (computational mapping algorithms for neural drug delivery), was designed to effectively deliver therapeutic molecules to specific brain structures,…

Gocovri Also Eases Parkinson’s Off Episodes, Trial Data Show

Gocovri (amantadine) can reduce the number and duration of off episodes — periods during which levodopa-based treatments cease to be effective and motor symptoms return — as well as ease dyskinesia in patients with Parkinson’s, according to a post-hoc analysis of Phase 3 trials. These findings were presented…