
Kynmobi Sublingual Film for ‘Off’ Episodes Now Available in US

Kynmobi (apomorphine hydrochloride), a sublingual film to treat “off” episodes in people with Parkinson’s disease, is now available in the United States by prescription, its developer Sunovion announced. “People living with Parkinson’s disease can potentially spend hours each day navigating disruptions caused by off episodes, which may…

Caffeine May Protect Against Parkinson’s Due to LRRK2 Mutations

Caffeinated drinks like coffee may help to protect people from Parkinson’s disease caused by mutations in the LRRK2 gene, much as research suggests it does in preventing sporadic, or non-familial, forms of this disease, a study reported. The study, “Association of caffeine and related analytes with resistance to Parkinson’s disease among…