30 Days of Parkinson’s: Realizing I Had Parkinson’s

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30 Days of Parkinson's

Photo courtesy Brent Strine

Day 20 of 30

This is Brent Strine’s story:

I’m 72 years old and live in Medford, Oregon.

Several years ago, I noticed my right arm and hand were not functioning normally, and my signature was getting smaller. Writing anything was getting more and more difficult. Looking up these and other symptoms online, they all pointed to Parkinson’s — which was confirmed by a neurologist in December 2018. This was a month after our beautiful home burned to the ground in the northern California Camp Fire on Nov. 8 that year.

As my wife’s maternal grandfather died from Parkinson’s, not only was I terrified of becoming a burden to my family but also that my three sons and seven grandchildren might now be predisposed to Parkinson’s. 

I’m on the medication Rytary, which is working very well. These days, I walk two miles a day, garden, finish light “honey-do list” projects, love our cat Amber, and keep up with our six-year-old grandson! 

I look forward to future symptom breakthroughs and, hopefully, a cure! 

Parkinson’s News Today’s 30 Days of Parkinson’s campaign will publish one story per day for Parkinson’s Awareness Month in April. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more stories like this, using the hashtag #30DaysofPAR, or go here to see the full series.