AI uses gene activity patterns to ID Parkinson’s disease pathways

An artificial intelligence (AI)-based software called NetraAI was able to separate subgroups of Parkinson’s disease patients based on their gene activity patterns, helping to better understand the complex pathways that contribute to the neurodegenerative disease. Through the analysis, scientists identified immune signaling as an important disease-related process. The function…

Monocytes May Reflect Parkinson’s Response to Immune Therapy

Changes in gene activity and protein production were seen in immune cells known as monocytes from Parkinson’s disease patients before and after treatment with sargramostim, an immune-modulating therapy, a small study found. Because these changes were associated with gains in motor function, the researchers suggested that profiling how an immune therapy…

New Analysis Reveals Gene Activity That May Underlie Parkinson’s

Studies on twins and families have suggested that susceptibility to Parkinson’s disease has a substantial genetic component. Now, an analysis of gene activity in different brain tissues has identified gene candidates that may be directly involved in causing the neurodegenerative disorder. The study, “A transcriptome-wide association study…