FDA sets date in 2024 for decision on SPN-830 apomorphine pump

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has accepted Supernus Pharmaceuticals‘ new application seeking approval of its apomorphine infusion pump — known as SPN-830 — to treat motor fluctuations in people with Parkinson’s disease. A decision on the company’s request, resubmitted last month in the form…

FDA Seeking Information Before OK of Apomorphine Infusion Device

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) wants more information before it will approve Supernus Pharmaceuticals’ new drug application (NDA) resubmission of SPN-830, its apomorphine infusion pump. Supernus is seeking the approval of SPN-830 for the continuous treatment of “off” episodes in adults with Parkinson’s disease. These…

Apomorphine Infusion Device Again Before FDA for Approval

Supernus Pharmaceuticals has again applied to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting that its apomorphine infusion device (SPN-830), allowing continuous treatment of Parkinson’s disease motor symptoms, be approved. “SPN-830 is an important product candidate which, if approved by the FDA, represents a novel approach for PD…