PatientPoint Launches Digital Support Network for Neurologists, Patients, and Caregivers

PatientPoint, in collaboration with five U.S. patient advocacy organizations, has introduced a technology-driven point-of-care network for neurologists, neurology patients, and caregivers.
With a focus on neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, the comprehensive network hopes to promote improved communication between patients and physicians.
The new patient empowerment network, targeting the estimated 100 million U.S. residents with neurological diseases, emphasizes everyday living, symptom management, treatment regimens, advice for caregivers, and tailored content in physicians’ offices, and waiting and exam rooms. By year’s end, the network is expected to reach some 1,000 neurologists nationwide.
“We know that education can help decrease anxiety and provide a sense of control,” Kate Merz, executive vice president of content and creative of PatientPoint, said in a press release. “With that in mind, the inspiring and educational content offered on our new neurology network is designed to help patients live their best lives.”
Aiming to improve doctor-patient engagement, PatientPoint has established partnerships with the Parkinson’s Foundation, the Alzheimer’s Association, the International Essential Tremor Foundation, Migraine Again, and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Across the PatientPoint platform, the organizations will provide essential tools and educational information to all individuals involved or affected by neurological conditions.
“At PatientPoint we put the patient-doctor relationship at the center of everything we do, and our neurology network is no exception,” said Mike Collette, founder and CEO of PatientPoint. “We conducted extensive research in developing this new network, and we are confident that the resulting blend of empowering health education, lifestyle and partner content will meet the unique needs of neurology patients, and drive doctor-patient engagement in an important new medical specialty.”
For the neurology examination room, for example, diagnoses can be more clearly communicated through interactive touchscreens that offer condition-precise multimedia education and three-dimensional human body images. To further communication beyond doctor visits, touchscreen content also can be emailed and texted.
The new network also features back-office digital screens that can keep physicians and staff apprised on a host of topics, including real-time breaking news, industry trends, practice management, and self-care.
In addition to the neurology network, PatientPoint offers engagement networks in other specialties, including cardiology and primary care.
The Parkinson’s Foundation estimates that, by next year, nearly 1 million Americans over age 45 will be diagnosed with the disease.