Brewery selling pilsner to support disease research, awareness month

Portion of proceeds from Common Hope beer sales going to Team Fox at MJFF

Marisa Wexler, MS avatar

by Marisa Wexler, MS |

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To celebrate Parkinson’s Awareness Month, Bent Water Brewing Company is releasing a beer, called Common Hope, with the aim of building awareness about Parkinson’s disease and raising money to support new treatments.

Marking the second year of this initiative, created in collaboration with The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research (MJFF), part of the funds raised through sales of Common Hope will be donated to Team Fox, the MJFF’s grassroots fundraising community.

“Common Hope is incredibly important to us. Parkinson’s has affected multiple family members and friends of the brewery, including some people I’m very close with,” Aaron Reames, co-founder and president of Bent Water Brewing, said in a company press release.

“Several of us have always spent our own time and money to help aid Parkinson’s awareness and research, but Common Hope has become a way for us to take a bigger, more formalized, step towards fighting this disease,” Reames said.

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Bent Water and other breweries are to market Common Hope beer

Common Hope is described as a dry-hopped pilsner. Bent Water Brewing distributes its beers in Massachusetts, Florida, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

The Massachusetts-based brewing company conceived of the idea in 2022 as part of a collaborative effort with other breweries. Several of these companies will again be brewing and selling Common Hope as part of this year’s efforts, according to Bent Water.

“Our community of Team Fox supporters continuously inspire us with the many ways they creatively aid in Parkinson’s research,” said Maci Hanson, associate director of Team Fox.

Parkinson’s affects an estimated 6 million people around the world, and while available treatments can help to manage disease symptoms, no available therapies to date can slow or stop Parkinson’s progression.

The MJFF works to fund the development of new experimental treatments, with the hope of finding a cure.

“Today we’re getting closer than ever before to better treatments and cures that people and families urgently need. None of this is possible without the active support of our community, including our friends at Bent Water Brewing who share our common goal and hope for a world without Parkinson’s disease,” Hanson said.