Parkinson’s News Forums Forums Parkinson’s Treatment Alternative Treatments Medical cannabis, have you tried it?

  • Andrew L.

    March 10, 2020 at 3:39 pm

    Just thought I would add that I am not a fan of the benzodiazepines because of tolerance (need more and more for same effect over time), plus addiction potential (probably the least of our worries with PD but nonetheless a problem.) Plus I don’t like them in my body during the day (most have very long half lives) as I think exercise is a critical part of treatment for PD, and I want to have the energy for big workouts and not feel lethargic. Just one man’s opinion fwiw.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    March 10, 2020 at 4:20 pm

    Andrew thanks for sharing.  I agree with you on the benzodiazepines.   My late husband was addicted to Ativan.    Bad stuff. I believe it is only a matter of time before these drugs are put in same class (in terms of addiction ) like the opioids

  • Rick M

    March 10, 2020 at 4:36 pm

    Hi Andrew,

    So you feel that the benzodiazepines makes you more groggy the next day than vaping THC at 2 A.M.?

    My biggest concern with THC is grogginess/being spacy  the next day


  • Andrew L.

    March 10, 2020 at 5:11 pm

    The short answer is yes. The benzos hang out in ur body and are cumulative. The half life of clonazepam, which seems to be the drug the neuro guys like for PD, is something like 40 hours, which means every time you take it half is still in your body up to 2 days later! (note: others are shorter but are still quite long.) The THC I am ingesting can be considered microdosing. The 3 puffs are very small, just enough to turn the light of the disposable vape pen on for a fraction of a second, it is a minimal inhalation, and I don’t visibly blow smoke out. I never get high, 4 hours later maybe mildly groggy but it goes away , esp with physical activity. Note: As noted above, I have also microdosed the drops sublingually, which seem to hang around a bit longer, more like 6-8 hours. Add that to the delayed onset using drops and I don’t like it as much as the inhalation. Note: I am asthmatic, so also have to be careful. Finally, it is my opinion (solely anecdotal based on a small sample size) that most neurologists no little to nothing about cannabis, esp in states where it has been recently legalized or remains illegal. I also forgot to say that I take a dose of carbidopa/levodopa ( 25:100) in the middle of the night as well (by itself not enough to put me back to sleep.) Finally, I tried timed release carbidopa:levodopa, didn’t work well for me at all. Again this is obviously just what has worked for me, not giving medical advice or suggesting what others do.

  • Alan Tobey

    March 10, 2020 at 5:17 pm

    In my 12th PD year I’ve learned to be minimalist and patient and to avoid running after the miracle molecule of the month. So with cannabis the first learning step I took was to start with a pure CBD tincture at a low initial dosage of 10 mg.  The experience was positive in two respects:  Subjectively,  the CBD makes me mellower and more relaxed without any stony edges or even any foreground awareness of an altered state.  Objectively I can point to two definite and measurable benefits:  taken in the morning, CBD dampens the higher-frequency tremors in my hands, improving my typing from very-terrible to merely bad, making me more functional. And it has essentially eliminated my osteoarthritis, which formerly appeared episodically for 7-10 days at a time at unpredictable intervals.  Given that every other substance recommended for “treating” osteoarthritis provided no more than palliative relief, this is a big deal for me.

    Other cannabis explorations lie ahead, with further benefit expected.

  • Andrew L.

    March 10, 2020 at 5:41 pm

    Alan: Glad this has helped you. I have also used 10 mg in the day, but do better with 20mg as an anxietolytic dosage, mainly at night. ( I get trying to keep your dose a low as possible, but unaware of any side effects at higher dosage.) I used to think that any THC was a bad thing, because the last thing I wanted was the jittery and paranoid feeling of being high that I had in my youth (sometime in the middle of the last century when I went to college.) But my thinking has evolved as there are many beneficial effects in the whole flower not only from THC but from the terpines and other compounds which all somehow work collectively in the so called “entourage effect”. And I never really feel high from the amount I ingest (indica dominant when THC is involved), just better…. At any rate I guess it is all trial and error for all of us, glad we have this forum to discuss it…

  • Jeffery Hill

    March 11, 2020 at 11:10 am

    Recently I’ve been alternating between Indica and Sativa oil mixed with coffee in the evening. It takes at least 2 hours to kick in. I limit it to once or twice a week because I find the effects to be pretty strong (I’m working to find the optimal dosage).   I find that it impairs my balance a little, so I only do it when I know I won’t be moving around much for the rest of the evening (great for watching basketball games).  I also find that I feel a bit too groggy to drive the following morning (but I use the subway, so no issue).  However, several upsides:

    1. Great sleep

    2. Great performance in Spin class the following day

    3. Temporary respite from hand tremor while under the influence

  • Mary Beth Skylis

    March 11, 2020 at 8:10 pm


    Do you mind me asking how you found a brand that works for you? Many people I’ve talked to seem to think that it’s tough to find a reliable brand that conducts third party testing. But I find it really encouraging to know that you’ve had positive results.

  • samantha

    May 1, 2020 at 5:44 am

    As far as I know <span data-sheets-value=”{“1″:2,”2”:”Cbd works fine for parkinsons, but it is THC that has calming effect helps get rid of tremors and improve the balance. Very often patiens are prescribed high THC level strains like this one. I have read that high in THC (up to 21%) and very low in CBD, which makes it perfect for conditions such as stress, anxiety, and pain. “}” data-sheets-userformat=”{“2″:769,”3”:{“1″:0},”11″:4,”12″:0}”>Cbd oil works fine for parkinsons, but it is THC that has calming effect helps get rid of tremors and improve the balance. Very often patiens are prescribed high THC level strains like this one. I have read that high in THC (up to 21%) and very low in CBD, which makes it perfect for conditions such as stress, anxiety, and pain. </span>

  • Simmon Belka

    January 31, 2024 at 3:31 am

    I’ve heard from some people who have found medical cannabis helpful for various symptoms related to their medical conditions. It’s unfortunate that the requirements in NY are quite specific, and it may not be an option for everyone.

    • Simmon Belka

      February 5, 2024 at 8:35 am

      If you’re curious about its potential benefits, it might be worth discussing with your healthcare provider. They can provide more information on whether it could be a suitable option for you, even if you don’t meet all the criteria listed. Exploring all available treatments and options is essential in managing any health condition. You can also learn more about medical cannabis and its potential benefits at

  • David

    February 1, 2024 at 9:05 pm

    There was a study done back in the 70s that showed people who smoked every day worked faster and safer than people who didn’t but also showed that people who smoked once in awhile should not be allowed at the worksite. I worked in orchards for many years where everyone smoked without having any safety issues. I went many years without smoking and when I heard it helped with PD I thought I would try again. I have found it only seems to help with sleeping. I take a few small tokes 2 hours before bed time and eat half of a 9 mg gummy 15 minutes before I go to bed. It usually allows me to get 7-8 hours of sleep. I still wake up a couple times but it allows me to go back to sleep. I smoke indica and the gummies are hybrid. I’ve been looking for info on what reduces tremors but haven’t had any luck.

  • Bill Frohberg

    February 2, 2024 at 6:56 am

    I had my wife try a THC gummy. Only gave her 25mg. It stopped her hand tremors, but she didn’t like the buzz.

  • Jenny

    February 7, 2024 at 3:17 pm

    Be careful. I experienced several severe episodes of AFIB resulting from THC. It is a well documented but not widely recognized side-effect.

  • Alfred Kramer

    July 25, 2024 at 11:41 am

    I’ve tried medical cannabis, and it’s pretty helpful. Unlike benzodiazepines, which can leave you feeling groggy and have a high addiction potential, cannabis offers relief without those side effects.

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