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Did your symptoms change when you had Covid?
Posted by Mary Beth Skylis on February 2, 2022 at 4:20 pmMy dad recently got over a bout of Covid-19. For the most part, his sickness was relatively mild. But he was convinced that his Parkinson’s symptoms escalated in severity while he was ill. But he seems to be back to normal now. Have any of you had Covid? If so, do you feel that it changed your Parkinson’s symptoms?
Ally replied 10 months ago 18 Members · 24 Replies -
24 Replies
My husband had covid and his symptoms did increase and it took about three weeks from onset till he was back where he was before being sick. More mobility issues more tremors more general weakness and lots of sleep. This is the first week he is joyful again back into all his therapies too and back on track.
When I got Covid back in 2021, I hadn’t got vaccinated yet! I ended up in the hospital and yes The PD did make it worse! I lost so much weight and if you saw me you’d know I couldn’t afford to lose any! I weighed 85 pounds when I went in the hospital! Since Covid, until about 3 weeks ago I weighed 76 pounds! I wasn’t hungry! Now I’m back up to 85 and hope to gain another 10 pounds! The doc put me on a mild antidepressant! Finally, I felt hungry! So PD does make Covid worse! You can’t take just anything when you are on PD meds!
Teresa, I’m glad that it sounds like you’re on an upward trend. Are you doing okay otherwise?
Yes I agree that it did make my symptoms worse! I failed to mention that in my last comment!
During my practice as a psychologist, I worked with many people with diminished cognitive reserve due to acquired brain injury from workplace or motor vehicle accidents. I noticed that whenever my clients had a viral infection — even a cold — they described worse cognitive problems: poorer memory, slower thinking; more trouble organizing themselves. This was scary for them, feeling they were losing the gains they had made in recovery. It was helpful for them to know that there was a reason for it, and that it was temporary. Parkinson’s is a different kind of injury to the brain, but has the same effect of reducing the “reserves” that we need to cope with increased demands, so I think we can expect our symptoms to worsen when we have an infection — and know that we are not just on a downhill slide!
I also noticed that my clients’ myofascial/muscle pain from soft tissue injuries or whiplash became worse after infections — especially a severe virus or pneumonia that caused weakness. (I won’t into details about how this works!) I notice that my own problems with myofascial pain (related to an old whiplash injury) are worse since being diagnosed with Parkinson’s. This leads me to think that increased muscle pain and stiffness may be something we need to watch for after we have a serious infection like Covid. Stretching and trying to avoid staying in one position for too long when we’re ill may help prevent this. A sudden increase in PD symptoms might even be a sign that we are developing an infection.
Although these are “anecdotal” observations from my practice, there is research to that supports and explains the underlying mechanisms.
I had the Virus in August 2021. I went to the Sedona ER which was packed that night August 28. They did not diagnose me so after 7 hours we went home. They suggested I had had a heart attack. They called at 2:00 am and told us the test showed I had Coronavirus. 5 days later I was given the Monoclonal antibody Infusion in my home. I began to exercise
.I began to feel better quickly. My wife helped me lots. Like I said the Virus went away though I still have Parkinson’s, but we have learned to manage that. Blessings, Mike
My husband has early-stage Parkinson’s with REM sleep disturbances. During the few days leading up to his diagnosis of COVID (in April 2020, he already had asymptomatic COVID), his sleep disturbances increased dramatically. While he was actively sick, his dyskinesia and stiffness increased. We wonder if this was because he didn’t feel well enough to exercise, or if it was an interplay of the two diseases. I would love to hear a doctor’s opinion on that. It took a good two weeks for the dyskinesia and stiffness to return to their previous levels. The sleep disturbances took only about a week or so after COVID diagnosis to fade.
There is a significant amount of research pointing to mitochondrial damage as a root cause of long-term post COVID symptoms (long COVID). Three years ago I didn’t know what mitochondria were, and my brain would have shut off if someone told me. But mitochondria are really important in all long-term illness.
Mitochondria are a part of every cell, and responsible for many functions of that cell. For example, they are responsible for “gene transcription”. Gene transcription means creating proteins (complex chemicals) from snippets of DNA. In an analogy, if DNA are the blueprints, then mitochondria are the shipyards, and proteins are the ships. If mitochondria are damaged, then we have trouble building the ships, and our whole body suffers, because we need those ships, especially to fight long-term disease.
There are many things needed to help keep the mitochondria healthy and functional:
- Vitamin D, needed for gene transcription. Vitamin D insufficiency increases COVID risks across the board, including death. Vitamin D can also be produced by exposure to sunlight. Getting 1.5 hours of sunlight a day can cut risk of getting multiple sclerosis, an immune system disease that causes serious motor control issues, by more than 80%.
- Proper diet. For example, including things like broccoli in your diet:
- Fixing gut/digestion issues, starting with constipation.
- Avoiding invasive tests, like x-rays and CT scans, if not medically necessary. These can damage mitochondria.
Good luck. It is definitely possible for most people to repair their mitochondria over time.
I am 83 years of age and was diagnosed with PD in 2007. Treatment has been mainly Madopar and I usually take 2x 100g dispersible 30 mins before rising which ensures safe movement during breakfast, showering etc.
I live with my wife and daughter and we were very careful and free from Covid during the first two years of the pandemic. We were therefore very surprised for all three of us to have cold like symptoms and be tested positive on Christmas Eve. I suffered from reduced mobility and fatigue for several days and the medication did not appear to be as effective. My wife and daughter were quite badly affected by increased pain from rheumatoid arthritis but this lessened after a week .My symptoms have not improved especially the poor mobility in the mornings.
I took a test nine days after the original positive test and which gave a negative result. However, as I am still suffering from the apparent deterioration due to the covid infection, can I assume that the negative result is correct and that I can mix normally with others.
Brian Bickers
My 79 year old dad had COVID in August and although he did not experience any Covid symptoms, the virus severely increased his Parkinson’s symptoms, both his motor and cognitive symptoms. His Parkinson’s symptoms became so severe he was hospitalized for two weeks and had to spend another three weeks in a rehabilitation facility to get strong enough to go back home. The virus also has escalated my dad’s disease into mid-stage. We worry that if he were to contract the virus again that it could significantly cause him to further decline.
I haven’t noticed a big correlation between my dad’s Parkinson’s symptoms and COVID. But he does seem to think that stress and big disruptions to his life add to the severity of his symptoms. I, personally, wonder how much of this is related to change and how much is related to health.
My 88- year-old father, my brother and I came down with Covid-19 around Christmas time. We got it at our local ER after we brought my dad into the emergency due to dangerously high blood pressure and chest pains.
I started feeling lousy Christmas Day and isolated myself but unfortunately, it didn’t matter. I took the test and the results figuratively came back before I fully inserted the swab, and we all tested positive.
I was able to get the antiviral from my doctor which hastened the virus’ demise but even with the antiviral and the mild case it did affect my Parkinson Disease. I was off most of the time with my meds not doing a bit of good. The muscle rigidity was worse and so was the dystonia and stiffness. The tremor too became more prominent than it ever was with more times that I can’t control it especially when I’m tired.
Since then, I’ve noticed that my off times have increased more and I shuffle more than I did, and the fatigue is worse. It doesn’t help that I also have Sjögrens Syndrome due to an underlying autoimmune condition which adds insult to injury as well.
I noticed too that I’m not as sharp mentally. It takes me a lot longer to process information and my reactions to situations are not as quick. I’m afraid to drive and seek out rides and from appointments and the market.
John, that sounds pretty terrifying. So, you’ve been noticing these symptoms for a few months now? Does it seem like any of them have gotten better?
My husband has advanced PD, and was hospitalized with Covid. He has not fully recovered in the fifteen months since. His macular degeneration increased. His ejection fraction decreased. He is now on oxygen. His memory is confused. Freezing is now worse. I do not know if these symptoms are due to progression of the disease in general, or if Covid accelerated them.
That sounds really frightening. How are you handling the changes, yourself? Are you doing alright?
Despite two vaccine doses followed by 3 boosters, my husband (who has Parkinson’s) and I (his caregiver) recently had Covid. It was a very rough case for both of us. Indeed the worst flu ailment I have ever experienced. His PO2 dropped to 90 and I was afraid he might have to go to the hospital. The doctor ordered Paxlovid and 3 days later he was on the road to recovery. Throughout the entire ordeal, his Parkinson’s did not change or worsen. In fact, we saw his neurologist yesterday (3 weeks post Covid) and he scored higher on his neuro exam than he did three months ago.
Suzanne, Im so glad to hear there was no change to his Parkinson’s. My parents had Covid over the holidays, and I was pretty worried about them. It sounded like a really awful illness but they managed alright.
Are you feeling back to normal?
I had about a 90% reduction in my symptoms while taking Paxlovid. This seems to be the opposite of most everyone. symptoms came back as soon as i stopped the drug.
It’s not uncommon for viral illnesses to temporarily worsen existing conditions like Parkinson’s disease. However, I think each individual’s response can vary. My Dad also took Paxlovid from Canadian Pharmacy (and yes, he also got two vaccines and two boosters) when he caught Covid. Maybe it was a mild form, but he was lucky not to have any symptom changes.
Yes. I had Covid about a month ago. It was like a mild cold. Doc put me on Paxlovid and I was symptom free in about five days. A few days later, I had a rebound (somewhat common with this med), but it only lasted a few days. One more very short rebound again and then a lingering cough for another week or so.
But it did seem like my tremor was a bit more active for a few weeks and has since been calming down.
My doc said this is not uncommon when you stress you body, like with exercise or even a common cold. I always notice that when I get off the stationary bike, my tremor is a lot more active but returns to normal shortly after.
My symptoms didn’t exactly escalate during the illness, but I did notice some fluctuations. It’s tough to pinpoint whether it was directly related to Covid or just the stress on my body overall.
I was diagnosed with PD in 2018 and for 2 years had almost no symptoms but occasional shaking of one hand. In Oct. 2020, i.e., before the Covid vaccines were ready, I got a “mild” case of Covid–nasty but not requiring hospitalization. My test was negative, but I definitely had it: exhaustion, huge chills/fever, migraines, shortness of breath. Most of the symptoms left after 2 weeks.
But the PD kicked in almost overnight–a gait change uppermost. I drove to a Covid test site and realized I might not make the walk from the car to the building.
And my fatigue and brain fog–the most common Long-Covid symptoms– remain, 4 years after contracting Covid. What I call “Fatigue Tsunamis” are unbelievably powerful; the brain fog, debilitating. Any kind of stress sets it off–I had to cancel 2 plane trips to family funerals because the stress created mini-Covid episodes. They would subside but it’s hard to plan anything. And the PD symptoms proceed apace.
Yet I realize my condition is much better than many others and try to stay positive and active.
Hi DTR, thanks for sharing your experience. I admire your positive attitude and I suspect staying positive and as stress-free as possible also helps you stave off some of the challenges you mentioned. The connection between the psyche and other physical ailments cannot be underestimated.
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