• Kate

    February 10, 2021 at 3:59 pm

    Physical activity lessens my anxiety, also mindfulness meditation, I recently completed a mindfulness meditation class for PD where I learned to “quiet”my mind and thoughts.    Very helpful!

    • Andrew L.

      February 11, 2021 at 4:04 pm

      Hi Kate:

      Do you have more info for the mindfulness meditation class for PD?  I have done mindfulness meditation, but never in the context of PD….

    • Ally

      February 11, 2021 at 7:02 pm

      I second Andrew’s comment, Kate! If you can, please share more info about the meditation class. That sounds great!

  • Barbara Ford

    February 12, 2021 at 8:51 am

    My anxiety has definitely increased over the past Covid year. An exercise routine has never been part of my life, but that doesn’t mean I get no exercise. Gardening has been my activity. There is a lot of walking, lifting, digging and carrying. This past Covid summer allowed me to include plenty of social interaction. Offer free plants and people will come! With social distancing and the fresh air outside, my garden gave me the stimulus I need as well as activity.

    I realized how much the garden activity plays a role in PD.  The weather changed and I could no longer spend many hours working in my beds.  There no longer were people stopping by to visit. This has been my worst year ever for anxiety. My symptoms are worse and I am taking more C/L . I feel ill and weak and am apathetic. Will I feel better in the spring when I can work in my garden? More importantly, will I be able to work in my garden?

    • Ally

      February 16, 2021 at 7:22 am

      Hi Barbara, I’m not sure where you live, but if the climate is too cold/snowy to get outside and garden, it’s understandable that you’re feeling more anxious and isolated right now. I hope that having a new season of gardening to look forward to in the (ideally!) not-to-distant future gives you a glimmer of hope to hang onto.

      Have you thought about trying your hand at indoor gardening and tending to some houseplants? I know it’s not the same as being outside in your garden, but perhaps it’s something that could tide you over for now? My friend who loves gardening has also joined a few online courses/seminars about gardening to help her prepare for the coming season. She doesn’t see anyone in-person but has the opportunity to chat online with likeminded folks and that has helped her a lot.

  • Barbara Ford

    February 16, 2021 at 8:35 am

    In past years, the garden club I belong to, filled my winter gardening void. We would meet monthly and it was an opportunity for socializing, learning and sharing. As Vice President, I had an opportunity to be imaginative and creative. This was fun and fulfilling for me.
    Then the pandemic came. No more socializing. No more sharing. No more reason to be creative. The meetings continue via Zoom, but there is no way to present a speaker gift, have fun with door prizes or pass along plants.
    It seems like this has left a void in my life that has filled with anxiety.

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