
Managing Parkinson’s Disease Is a Full-time Job

“Dealing with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s is not easy and there is no one, single technique that will ease the pain and no magic pill that will miraculously enable you to cope with it.” — John Baxter Parkinson’s treatment is a lifelong commitment that involves much more than just taking…

The Lazy Man’s Way of Writing About Parkinson’s Disease

Sometimes we can get confused with all the abbreviations used to communicate in the different Parkinson’s communities. It can be frustrating, especially if you are newly diagnosed or beginning to gather information about the disease. That is why I try to spell out words instead of resorting to shortcuts. (Although…

The Possibilities That Arise From Adaptability

Celebrating the recent holiday here in the U.S. tested our ability to adapt. It has always been a time for the family to gather, but not this year. Our family members decided not to congregate in a physical space. Instead, we adapted, connected through video, spoke on the phone, and…

Finding Hope and Joy in the Detour of 2020

As a parent with young-onset Parkinson’s disease, I’ve been adjusting and adapting to the bumps and detours of my life. One of those adjustments has been our expectations for family events, from milestone events to everyday activities. With young-onset Parkinson’s, we hope our health doesn’t rob us or our family…

You Are a Beautiful Mess

Several years ago, I was introduced to Barney Saltzberg’s children’s book titled “Beautiful Oops!” In it, a bent piece of paper becomes a penguin’s beak while a torn piece of paper becomes a crocodile’s mouth. The point of the book is that almost anything damaged can become a beautiful…

A Gift Guide for Shopping From Home This Black Friday

With the biggest shopping day of the year nearly upon us, our anxiety levels may reach extremely high levels.  Here’s an idea: Shop from home for your favorite Parkinson’s patient. Avoid the maskless coughers and sneezers standing in front of you at the checkout lines who refuse to social…

Spectrum Stage Theory Seeks a Better Understanding of Parkinson’s

When I was struggling with healthcare providers to arrive at the right diagnosis, I kept wondering, why is Parkinson’s so difficult to diagnose? I asked my favorite neurologist, Dr. Donald Higgins Jr., “Has anyone come up with a good theory explaining the large variability in how Parkinson’s presents?” He answered…

Your Strength Comes From Your Struggles

I almost gave up. Ashamedly, I almost conceded to this battle against Parkinson’s disease. I almost surrendered to this hideous monster. Although I don’t really know what surrendering looks like exactly, I am pretty certain of what it can feel like. Your will to fight back disappears. In its place,…

Batman and Robin Battle Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

For Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month, I would like to share how Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s have given a daughter and a father a special bond. My dad has Alzheimer’s and I have young-onset Parkinson’s. My mom, or as I call her, Wonder Woman, calls me “the dad whisperer.” But I see…

Atypical Non-tremor Parkinson’s Can Be Confused With PTSD

“You’re a veteran. All Vietnam vets have PTSD.” This simple statement misses the mark. Prior to my Parkinson’s diagnosis, I was not diagnosed with any of the symptoms attributable to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Despite having PTSD ruled out by psychologists twice, it still rears its ugly head. Yes, many…