
Thinking About a More Sensitive Approach to Language

Hi, everyone! If we don’t know each other already, I’m Mary Beth. I’ve been working as a columnist and a forums moderator for Parkinson’s News Today for a fair amount of time now. But I’m still learning. I set out here to explore my dad’s journey with Parkinson’s…

Exercise Rx: What About Apathy and Fatigue?

Recently, the Parkinson’s Foundation partnered with the American College of Sports Medicine to provide new exercise recommendations for people with Parkinson’s and certified exercise professionals. The goals of this collaboration are admirable and long overdue. They seek to: Ensure standards of care for exercise professionals working with people…

We Need Greater Awareness of Vision Issues in Parkinson’s

Most people associate Parkinson’s disease (PD) with shaking, tremors, balance, and gait issues. However, we don’t often consider the impact of PD on vision. According to the American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA), vision issues may cause a number of symptoms. Not every person with PD experiences these issues, but…

Vacationing With Parkinson’s: A Success Story

Taking a vacation when you have Parkinson’s disease (PD) is not simple. There is always anxiety about the disease making things go wrong. Mrs. Dr. C. and I were invited to a family wedding, and the six months’ notice greatly benefited us. Not only did we have time to…

My Dad Looks Back on My Parkinson’s Diagnosis, Part 1

First in a two-part series. With Father’s Day coming up this weekend, I decided to get my father’s thoughts on Parkinson’s disease. I would like to introduce my best friend, biggest cheerleader, and voice of reason: my dad, Craig Barbian. Technically retired and in his 60s, he works part time…

Dance Fever: Movement Therapy for Parkinson’s

Kick up your heels and get ready: A unique adventure awaits, and your shaking, trembling, and balance issues won’t stop you! Dance classes have emerged as a means to improve motor skills and cognitive abilities for those with Parkinson’s disease (PD), while also boosting their personal artistic expression. According to…