
Navigating uncharted waters as a Parkinson’s caregiver

As a caregiver to a husband with Parkinson’s disease, I often feel like we’re in an unseaworthy boat surrounded by sharks, searching for a lighthouse. So far, nearly 11 years after my husband Eric’s Parkinson’s diagnosis, we’ve been able to ride the waves of the disease’s progression.

My journey with deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s, part 1

Note: This column describes the author’s own experiences with deep brain stimulation surgery. Not everyone will have the same response to the procedure. Consult your doctor before considering any particular therapy or treatment. First in a series. You know how people say “It’s not like it’s brain surgery” about something…

3 ways I respond to Parkinson’s ‘off periods’

One common but frustrating symptom of Parkinson’s disease is what’s known as “off periods.” These happen when medication, such as Sinemet (carbidopa and levodopa), wear off — sometimes suddenly — and other Parkinson’s symptoms that had been under control show up again or get worse. During off periods, you…