
Things I love about our shared Parkinson’s journey

During our shared Parkinson’s journey, my husband, Eric, and I have experienced much frustration, anger, and heartache over the challenges that the disease imposes on our lives. For my mental well-being, I meditate and practice mindful moments. I recently did a guided meditation with one of my favorite authors…

Once patients find a clinical trial, they still face challenges

What’s the best way for people with Parkinson’s to contribute to research? I recently talked about how there are always more questions than answers and how there must be better ways to solve our problems. I highlighted the obvious need to engineer better brain-body communications. I’ve encouraged patients…

Let’s celebrate the family caregivers in our lives

It’s been such a warm fall season here in Ohio that it’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is quickly approaching. Not only do we celebrate Thanksgiving in November, but it’s also National Family Caregivers Month, a time to honor the caregivers in our lives. Caregiver Action Network began advocating…