Steve Bryson, PhD,  science writer—

Steve holds a PhD in biochemistry from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto, Canada. As a medical scientist for 18 years, he worked in both academia and industry, where his research focused on the discovery of new vaccines and medicines to treat inflammatory disorders and infectious diseases. Steve is a published author in multiple peer-reviewed scientific journals and a patented inventor.

Articles by Steve Bryson

Top Patient Complaint About DBS Device: Ineffective Stimulation

Ineffective stimulation was the primary complaint among people with Parkinson’s disease who use a pacemaker-like device for deep brain stimulation (DBS), according to a 10-year analysis of a federal database that tracks reports of adverse events involving medical devices in the U.S. Battery-related problems, impedance issues, and infections…

More Parkinsonism Features Found in Older Autistic Adults

Middle-aged and older autistic adults with no intellectual disabilities reported more prevalent Parkinson’s disease-like features — referred to as parkinsonism — compared with the general population, a study found. These findings provide important knowledge about aging disorders such as Parkinson’s among older people with autism spectrum disorder…

Guidelines and Research Lacking for LGBTQ Patients, Study Finds

People who are gay, bisexual, or transgender with Parkinson’s disease or other movement disorders can be reluctant to disclose their sexual or gender identities for fear of being denied treatment or enrollment in clinical trials, a study found. Research is limited into this growing patient group, and best practice guidelines…

Alpha-synuclein Clumps, Tau Tangles May Have Distinct Roles

The formation of toxic clumps of the protein alpha-synuclein, a hallmark of Parkinson’s disease, was not affected by reducing levels of tau, a protein that also forms aggregates in both Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, a mouse study suggested. These results imply that the role of tau in…