Marta Ribeiro,  —

Marta graduated from Universidade Fernando Pessoa in Porto with a degree in Communication Sciences and a Masters degree in New Communication Technologies. She has experience in social media, worked with several media channels, and has also worked as a freelance photographer and a graphic artist for almost 10 years.

Articles by Marta Ribeiro

6 Tips to Reduce Stress and Help You Relax

Everyone suffers from stress from time to time but when you have a chronic disease, stress not only adds to your everyday burden but can often exacerbate the symptoms of your condition. While we can’t avoid stress altogether, there are ways that we help ourselves relax more and not let things…

How Our Bodies Convert Sunlight Into Vitamin D

A lot of Parkinson’s disease patients have a vitamin D deficiency and recent studies have shown that this vitamin can benefit patients. Vitamin D is often called the “sunshine vitamin,” mostly because we can get it naturally when the sun’s UV rays interact with our skin, which triggers the vitamin’s synthesis. This very important vitamin aids…

How to Manage Parkinson’s Disease With Medication

Parkinson’s disease is a very complex and serious condition that affects patients in many ways. Parkinson’s symptoms often include tremors or shakes, that tend to occur in your fingers and your hands. Patients may also experience rigid muscles, loss of movement, and speech and writing changes. The disease affects the daily…

10 Early Signs of Parkinson’s Disease

Because Parkinson’s disease is a progressive condition, it can be difficult to spot the early warning signs. However, we’ve put together a list of 10 of the most common early signs and symptoms of the disease, according to the National Parkinson Foundation. This is one of the…

4 Possible Causes of Parkinson’s Disease

While the exact cause of Parkinson’s disease is currently unknown, scientists have come up with four possible theories according to the Mayo Clinic. There are certain genes which, when they become mutated, cause Parkinson’s disease. However, these mutated genes are very rare, except in cases where Parkinson’s…

7 Ways to Make Your Home Safer for Those Living With Parkinson’s

Being diagnosed with a complex and serious disease like Parkinson’s is never easy. Patients and caregivers immediately start considering what changes will be necessary in order to make day-to-day life easy and safe for the recently diagnosed. There are several things you can do to improve your daily routine while living with Parkinson’s. Many of these…

9 Superfoods That Might Improve Your Health

With winter just around the corner, it’s time we all started to look after ourselves a little more. Avoiding germs is one thing, but we can also try and boost our immune systems by getting plenty of sleep and eating the right foods. Here are nine foods well-known for their…

How to Stay Healthy Through Cold and Flu Season

It’s that time of year when everyone starts to get sick and pass around their cold and flu germs. Having a chronic illness means that your immune system is already compromised, which makes picking up other people’s winter illnesses harder to avoid. However, you don’t have to lock yourself away…