Lindsey Shapiro, PhD,  science writer—

Lindsey earned her PhD in neuroscience from Emory University in Atlanta, where she studied novel therapeutic strategies for treatment-resistant forms of epilepsy. She was awarded a fellowship from the American Epilepsy Society in 2019 for this research. Lindsey also previously worked as a postdoctoral researcher, studying the role of inflammation in epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease.

Articles by Lindsey Shapiro

FDA approves Medtronic’s adaptive DBS system for Parkinson’s

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Medtronic’s BrainSense adaptive deep brain stimulation (DBS) system and electrode identifier to treat people with Parkinson’s disease. Among available DBS systems, BrainSense is the first to automatically adapt its stimulation for a more personalized treatment approach, the company noted. Specifically,…

Researchers ID gene enhancers possibly linked to Parkinson’s

Gene enhancers may play an important role in neuronal development and neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, a study found. Enhancers work to turn on the activity of their target genes. Experiments showed that mutations previously linked to Parkinson’s were found within these enhancer regions, and that the enhancers…

SPN-830, now Onapgo, approved for advanced Parkinson’s disease

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Onapgo (apomorphine hydrochloride) for the continuous treatment of motor fluctuations in adults with advanced Parkinson’s disease, making it the first subcutaneous, or under-the-skin, apomorphine infusion device approved for this indication. The application from Supernus Pharmaceuticals was the developer’s fourth…