Bionews Staff,  writers and editors—

Bionews, the owner and publisher of this site, employs science writers and editors, most of whom have PhDs in the life sciences, as well as veteran journalists, who ensure stories are well-written and easy to understand. Our stories undergo a comprehensive fact-checking and editing process to confirm accuracy, objectiveness, and thoroughness in order to best serve our audience of patients and caregivers.

Articles by Bionews Staff

Expert Voices: Diet and Nutrition for People With Parkinson’s Disease

In this installment of our “Expert Voices” series, Parkinson’s News Today asked Christine C. Ferguson, PhD, to answer some of your questions about diet and nutrition for people with Parkinson’s disease. Ferguson is a registered dietitian (RD) and postdoctoral scholar at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and nutrition…

Expert Voices: Dealing With Parkinson’s Disease and Speech Difficulties

In this installment of our “Expert Voices” series, Parkinson’s News Today asked Samantha Elandary to answer some of your questions about Parkinson’s-related speech difficulties. As founder and chief executive officer of Parkinson Voice Project, Elandary has dedicated her career to preserving the voices of individuals with Parkinson’s disease and…

Expert Voices: Can Cannabis Use Help With Parkinson’s Symptoms?

In this installment of our “Expert Voices” series, Parkinson’s News Today asked Dr. Michelle Sexton to answer some of your questions about cannabis. Sexton is a naturopathic doctor who completed pre- and postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Washington, where she studied the endocannabinoid system and its roles…

30 Days of PD: A Heightened Awareness

Photo courtesy of Alan MacKenzie Day 30 of 30 This is Alan MacKenzie’s story: As a 66-year-old, I was sold for most for my life on the idea of retirement. In April of 2021, my entire worldview was shaken after hearing four words and two letters from a…

30 Days of PD: The Circus That Has Become My Life

Photo courtesy of Lori DePorter Day 28 of 30 This is Lori DePorter’s story: Do you remember the circus? Do they exist anymore?  If you can’t find one, come on over to DePorterville. When using the circus reference, my friend asked me if I was the ringmaster, the tightrope…